Roofrom50's Sigs - Requests BACK on


International Coach
Dec 20, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hey there guys i just recently got Photoshop and would like to have a go at the Sig Making.... But the thing is i dont know how to make any yet. Photshop is like the 1st day of school for me again, no idea what to do, lol Anyone want to direct me in making sigs, thanks, will appreciate it alot

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Hey guys, this is my first time on this sig making. And i have only had Photoshop for a few days, so if it isnt good then its my first shot. lol. tell me how it is, and what i can do to improve it thanks

Its good i like it, althought there are a few things to improve on...
one its a good black and white effect but maybe too dark because the black white idea really looks better if there is more effects i reckon, you can get some C'4DS which are things which makes the effects that you see on peoples sigs. But them on your sig and go to layer options then blending options and put them as overlay or colour burn or colour dodge or whatever looks best, then set the opacity and its fine.'ds Thats a link for some c4d's, hope this helps.
also you could add text.
Thanks man, appreciate the comments back. I havent done any others just waiting for people to comment on this one to see what they thought and improvments, and i must admit, it does look crappy. But is good for a 1st try. I aint ready to start doing requests, but more comments would be nice thanks
I will have a go at some more after school, and will post what i have done
Alright guys i have finally found time to do a sig, and here it is.... its only my 2nd attempt at a sig


So please comment on what you think, thanks
well firstly you spelt his name wrong :p
other than that it looks good, pic is a little blurry but you can't really do much about that, and the writing is a little plain

can't wait to see more in the future mate!
Man thats sick, i love the use of the c4d :D

BOONEY said:
other than that it looks good, pic is a little blurry but you can't really do much about that, and the writing is a little plain

can't wait to see more in the future mate!
Well you kinda wanna make it blurry and effects on the pic to give it effect, but first duplicate it, then blur it, then like out it in overlay of colour burn and change the opacity to about 50.

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