Roofrom50's Sigs - Requests BACK on

lol, that geelong symbol right, blending in means like so its not sitting there stone, look at my sig with the everton symbol...
Go to the bottom left hand corner and under layers it will say normal with a drop down menu, choose somthing from there, (i choose overlay, colour burn or colour dodge usually) and next to it is the opacity, change that down and it will fade away more, somtimes you can keep it on normal and change the opacity..
Just something i did

Andrew McLeod sig

thats looks great, but negative points for having a holden there :mad ;)

you're doing really well with the images and graphics, but in the next few sigs i'd like to see you play around with the text a bit more and try different styles and all sorts
look forward to it mate keep up the good work

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