by The GasNote, having BatWindowCentre at 2.0 seems to stop the problem of the ball going straight through the bat
boss said:Hi!,
by The Gas
Thank u for u'r tips!, i'm really annoyed with the ball go thro the bat!
Btw Can any one pls tell me what is camera collision detection? and how to work it out in-game?(F11 to ON, F12 to OFF, when?), i'm little confused in it!, any help in this reg is much app!, thank u!
well you can see its effect in replays as after pressing f11 u can go beyond of stadium to the building and u can see stadium structure also but after pressing f12 u cant go outside of stadiumboss said:Btw Can any one pls tell me what is camera collision detection? and how to work it out in-game?(F11 to ON, F12 to OFF, when?), i'm little confused in it!, any help in this reg is much app!, thank u!
joesaadati said:I still can't get the demo working mannnnnnnnn
sam2002 said:aware of all these . as for as manual appeal just press the key only ones while batsman plays a shot just like real one does anyway this is just a start.
now coming to edges & unusual wickets i have done intentionally to see what kind of reaction ,i made them very tight as it would do every now and then.
Nothing is done with swing or seam.yes colin it's possible to make user to move the player of course only while bowling
You could go out of the stands before too, i.e; just have the camera follow the ball when ou hit it out of the stadium.Ste said:Can you go out of the stands?