Saqlain Mushtaq to play for Ireland

Now if only they could persuade the ECB to forget about Ed Joyce playing for England, get Middlesex to release him and Eoin Morgan, get Kent to release Niall O'Brien and get Northamptonshire to release Andrew White, they might be in with a chance!
Surley if Ed Joyce was released, he could play for ireland, seeing as he's Irish? nayway, not going to happen anyway!

2 Great signings though for Ireland! Hey, we might do OK this year!
andrew_nixon said:

It works by them turning up for the World Cup and playing, same as every other team.
LOL, I think he means how would that work out with Mushtaq and Razzaq. They're just signed on to play for Ireland in the C&G Trophy.
nightprowler10 said:
LOL, I think he means how would that work out with Mushtaq and Razzaq. They're just signed on to play for Ireland in the C&G Trophy.

I don't see any confusion there. They've signed for Ireland as overseas players.
Previous Irishmen have included Jonty Rhodes (long family of Rhodes from Wexford) Hansie Cronje (roscommon) and Neil Johnson(Down) and Steve Waugh (Fermanagh).
I have a sneaking feeling that the Razzaqs are from Galway...
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Ireland = A Country , not a club county or a Domestic team,
so they got Irish Nationality to play ?
The Irish side that takes part in the C&G Trophy is completely seperate to the Irish national side. Same with the Scottish Saltires and the Scottish national side.
Stevie's got it.

When playing in English domestic cricket, Scotland and Ireland are treated as counties.

They are allowed two overseas players, same as every county. All other 9 players have to be eligible for the national side.

Also Irish and Scottish players who play in county cricket are not eligible, unless they are yet to play for their county in the competition.

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