Can you upload it here?
reset your planet cricket password -new password has been sent to thunderlion007@****** (what you used to register at PC)Originally posted by sohaibaslam@Jan 13 2004, 03:43 PM
I cannot log in that site. My user name is Sohaib and everytime I enter my password it says thanks you, please wait while we log you in" or something like this and then suddenly it appears that I am not logged in? I've reset my password but nothing happens.
Is there any Admin of that site here? Zimrahil, anyone else?
Thank you mani.here is the file for u Sohaib
and thank to you too.reset your planet cricket password -new password has been sent to thunderlion007@****** (what you used to register at PC)
What does playing over the lan means? If it means to play on the internet with other users then Neef For Speed U support lan play.hi shailesh
why dont u make a patch for 2 players to play over a lan.cos me and my friends want to play it in real time instead of playing with the computer.
i know it may be quite difficult because u have to search for ping etc but many NFS underground fan clubs have done lan patches since NFS U doesnt support lan play
Rahul Prasad