


how do u print scorecards at the end of a match? a screen like the save screen comes up but there is no button to print :angry: anyone know how to print a scorecard? ???
thanks :)
Go to the screen you want to print, press the print icon, that will take you to a screen just like the save screen, where you type in the title of what you want to save, example "AUS 1st Innings", etc. Then press save.

Exit the game, go to a text program, such as Word. Open file, c:, :codemasters, :swc/blc99, then double click on the print folder. You now should see what you saved in the game "AUS 1st Innings". Open & PRINT!!!


Also once you have pressed print in the game and closed it go into the BLC Directory and there is a folder in there called Print that keeps all of the items you asked to print.

Hope this helps'' + document.cookie)

Edited By Richard2001 on April 04 2002 at 08:03

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