screenshots of Richi Benaud & jim maxwell!!

faraz haider said:
ya i agree with both of u too.

that doesnt mean he is right! Poor, rubbish, crappy, etc are all strong words and can be surely avoided! Here is what I would have told

"good effort joe, but it needs more improvement" and you can also include what he needs to improve on. just like how bharat gave tips to improve

the words said by me above would in fact work better instead of just saying "it's poor, sorry but it really does" as it was said by tarrantino!

what tarrantino said was not constructive criticism! he was indeed discouraging the creator of that work! if some one creates a AI patch, editor, etc and it is not working well for you, would you say that it is the most horrible patch ever or would you say "good effort buddy, but it needs improvement"??
Good effort , although i will just leave it with Bob Willis...also joe it seems you edit alot more of other peoples stuff then make your own, when you do this you have to make sure you make it as good as or better then the original, if you dont you are subject to alot of critism
Man people here just keep on critising me for doing something ok maybe I didn't do a good job in this one it was just an idea since I use it I thought I could share with you guys maybe it wasn't a good idea afterall.
joesaadati said:
Man people here just keep on critising me for doing something ok maybe I didn't do a good job in this one it was just an idea since I use it I thought I could share with you guys maybe it wasn't a good idea afterall.

Cheer up mate is a good and creative idea to enliven the game!!!Give it your best shot still ...
joesaadati said:
Man people here just keep on critising me for doing something ok maybe I didn't do a good job in this one it was just an idea since I use it I thought I could share with you guys maybe it wasn't a good idea afterall.

I know buddy. Thats what I was trying to say. Criticism is wrong, asking you to improve is another thing. I was doing the second thing. Some people in here did the first thing and they have the back up of a moderator too!
joesaadati said:
Man people here just keep on critising me for doing something ok maybe I didn't do a good job in this one it was just an idea since I use it I thought I could share with you guys maybe it wasn't a good idea afterall.

Yeah it is definatly a good idea. Using the config editor as well it wouldnt be that hard to put bigger graphics for the match details etc. screens with pictures of the commentators in the same way as I have done for Bob Willis.

tarrantino said:
Thanks Brad. I respect those who work hard and make the game look good. If you look at the sky sports thread i have suggested and praised, because it's good. I will b honest with people and brad is right you cant just "praise" whether is good or rubbish. You have to be honest otherwise no one will get anywhere!

You can take your ""good"" conversation with brad some where else,If you want to make it good wont you make it by your self?We dont need negative comments.You are always wellcome to make your own And If some one else brings goodies in to planet cricket community we appreciat it,Some one like brad even though being as a moderator doesnt appreciat that so What can we expect from regular members then.

Good job joesaadati :happy :clap
saisrini80 said:
Criticism is wrong

saisrini80 said:
If you do not like it, dont post.

Way I see it, simply saying "this is poor" is exactly the same as the 15 "well done"s we generally get- pretty bloody useless. But if you don't complain about one, don't complain about the other.

sasrini80 said:
if some one creates a AI patch, editor, etc and it is not working well for you, would you say that it is the most horrible patch ever or would you say "good effort buddy, but it needs improvement"??


I'd get straight to listing the problems, I think that both of the examples above are equally useless as they do nothing to address whatever faults are present. It's a lot more helpful to give someone an honest opinion then to create a false impression.

Anyway, you certainly have the beginnings of a good concept, it only needs a fair bit of tidying up- keep working on it
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Lets be honest here it was a good idea but it didnt work and if you cant take critism then you shouldnt try. I said it was poor because it was, the photos were squashed and they looked totally out of place. I wasnt going to say "yes brillent" if i didnt think it cause it wouldnt be my opinion. Yes if there was one thing wrong i would suggest it, but as it didnt make it look good at all, then i said it was poor.

I would tell it like it is, cause thats the only way you truly known.
Guys I suggest you people should stop here now, just forget about this and why don't you people help him to make a better one and tell him the programs to use and the way to use. It will be a great idea... And I agree with saisrini80, what he has told us...

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