Season Two Sign Ups!

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Name: Suren Ram
Bat/Bowl/WK: Bowl(Leg Spin)
Bat/Bowl Hand: Right

I want to make a debut in this :)
Good another active member and we need a spinner. Hopefully you can join the Tanks :)
Good another active member and we need a spinner. Hopefully you can join the Tanks :)

Manchester Divided would definitely be interested in your services come the Sign Up time, Suren.

Suren bhai, plz join us Vatican Victors :)

HH are interested in Suren and Roo as well. :cheers

Suren come to the Destroyers. You don't want your favourite story maker to be sad :)

Jesus everyone is gonna be after you :)

Wow I never expected such a call for me :eek: :) :happy This confuses me to whom I have to play for.. as people who called me are close friends of mine :confused:

But, can a player choose his own team during sign up? Or a lot like system to put the players to the particular team?
No there is a draft.

There is such demand cos' you are active.
Gee me and Suren are pretty popular between u blokes. Hopefully we can both go to a team we're happy with :D
Nash BB will take you but you have to be active.

Funknath added 3 Minutes and 7 Seconds later...

One question:- In the draft will we choose the player whom we want or the players will be given to team via lottery??
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