Sign Up Thread

Hi new to this site but would love to join if not to late
Name: Matthew Beales
Age (17 to 28): 22
Preferred side of pitch (R/C/L or Combination of 2): L/C
Type (GK, DF, DM, MF, AM, ST): LB/CD
Stamina (out of 100): 83
Aggression (V. Low; Low; Normal; High; V. High): High
Name:Tobie Chapman
Age (17 to 28):21
Preferred side of pitch (R/C/L or Combination of 2):C
Type (GK, DF, DM, MF, AM, ST):ST
Stamina (out of 100):85
Aggression (V. Low; Low; Normal; High; V. High):Normal
Name:Willie Liebenberg
Age (17 to 28):17
Preferred side of pitch: R or C
Type: MF or AM
Stamina (out of 100):87
Aggression: High
This is on behalf of tassietiger (He wants to join Headbutt FC):

Age (17 to 28):18
Preferred side of pitch: C
Type: MF
Stamina (out of 100): 84
Aggression: Very High
Sign up Thread Closed?

The sign up thread is closed but I would like to sign up.

Name: Justin Rodgie
Age (17 to 28): 17
Preferred side of pitch (R/C/L or Combination of 2): C
Type (GK, DF, DM, MF, AM, ST): GK
Stamina (out of 100):86
Aggression (V. Low; Low; Normal; High; V. High): Normal



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