Signature Not BEing Shown


School Cricketer
Jul 30, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I went to User CP and signature controls but my image between the

Brackets and I click save signature.Then it takes me back to UserCp,Then I go view one of my post and my Signatures not there?

I can see my Avatar though.
I can see your signature. Look in User CP - you may have viewing of signatures turned off.
Ste said:
I can see your signature. Look in User CP - you may have viewing of signatures turned off.

This may also be due to Mozilla Firefox v1.06. I had the same problem as well when I upgraded yesterday from v1.05.:eek:
If you're signature is not stored locally but is displayed via an external link (as mine is), then you may have to fiddle about a bit with where your image is stored. If it's not embedded in a web-page it won't show up anymore. For example, if it's located in a folder called index files (for example) then you can no longer successfully display the image directly from as you could in the past. If however, you create a new page, and embed the image, then the very same link should work. It did for me.

OR, you could just have signatures turned off! :)
Hey my signature is shown in some threads and in others not !!! I checked the size and everything still it doesnot appear !!! I am not using Firefox and have signatures show turned on !!! :rolleyes:
Its happening to everyone as far as I know, so don't worry about it. Anyway, it's the post quality that matters more than what signature someone has.
stevie said:
Its happening to everyone as far as I know, so don't worry about it. Anyway, it's the post quality that matters more than what signature someone has.
But still I want my sig to be shown and it is not showing about 80% times.
Mahesh Babu said:
Mine is also not showing? Guys check this please !Im loosing $4

Losing $4? How come?? Explain!!!

Frankly I do not care abt my signatures! I care about what I post!
saisrini80 said:
Losing $4? How come?? Explain!!!

Frankly I do not care abt my signatures! I care about what I post!
U can advertise your websites in my signature.$4.00/Month.Monthly/Weekly rates also available.

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