Signature Not BEing Shown

mine is asking for same validation and when I click validate it open nothing at all just blank white screen.
aryan_6668 said:
at some threads where i have posted something the signature ssays something validation and rules etc. even my signautre is smaller than the rule that u guys have made. but my signature shows up in my own threads.
anyone experienced this?

see my this post the signature isn't showing
Yes. i have developed this problem as well. When I click the "begin validation" link, nothing happens! Grr! What's that all about? Sometimes my signature shows up, other times it doesn't and now it's started with the validation message. :eek:
same here,I am being asked to validate my signature and when I click that link no new page seems to be coming,pl help.
best solution is dont use a sig.
mods is this a virus or bug in forum.
I think this is what aryan is on about, it shows under mine, I click on the link but it takes me to a blank page

Briggsey, your signature has been temporarily removed until you validate that it complies with our new signature rules, click here to begin the validation, you may also want to read why this is being requested. You can find that information here.
ZoraxDoom, your signature has been temporarily removed until you validate that it complies with our new signature rules, click here to begin the validation, you may also want to read why this is being requested. You can find that information here.

Same here, although my sig was only 2-3 lines of text...
I'm pretty sure this is the system Ste has put in place. He just needs to make the validation page.

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