Sixies shot..

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Hello.. I have searched a little here but couldn't find the answer, I have been playing better at bowling and batting since I got the game, but it's only one thing that annoyes me when I am playing cricket 2004, it is why I don't get sixies shot? When I press the button on my joystick I have selected for the "six hit button" it does'nt hit, do I have to do anything special? Please I need quick help, I don't think there is something wrong with the joystick, it doesn't work with the keyboard either..cheers! :B
Heaps of people have had this problem. HB studios need to learn how to write a manual as what they've written is confusing and ambiguous. Plus, they've left some important info out of the manual.
Wow, played a game today, 10 overs...I made a lot of sixies..made 110 runs and all out at 8 overs, then it was the last over for them (duke xxl or something) and jayasuriya bowled so bad that they made 15 and they required 13 to win :P
I was the world allstar, but I am delightet with my performance..:D it was cool..thnx guys!!

btw..I hate the fielding, a fielder for my team catched the ball outside the pitch, outside the rope :P And they got six points..
Heaps of people have had this problem. HB studios need to learn how to write a manual as what they've written is confusing and ambiguous. Plus, they've left some important info out of the manual.

They have written how to hit a six shot. PAGE 12, "To add power to your shot press SHIFT"
When to hit sixies? I get about 50 runs on 3 overs, and 2 outs, and I only get out when I try to hit sixies but miss, so when should I make sixies? When not? When the bowler is bowling against the wickets, should I hit sixies? btw..the match is so long, is it not possible to save a match?
I bought the game from Pakistan so it was no manual, can u tell me what it was?
I found it out myself, but how can I can hit sixies at right and left, but how to hit middle and between middle and right uf u know what I I am not a pirate, all the games from Pakistan, India, Thailand etc...are copies, so they are cheap there, so you can't call billions of people's not their don't call me a pirate..I always buy games, btw the games in norway are really expensive, so I am definatley not pirate :P
You're not a pirate, but you buy copied games? errrr.....if you buy copied games you are a a pirate. Plenty of people in the countries you mentioned can get hold of legitimate games.

I hope you're happy with yourself knowing that you are a thief, you are denying many people of their hard earned money, along with possibly funding the drugs trade and terrorism.

You can expect no help from anyone on this forum and if you promote piracy again on this forum you can expect an instant ban.

If everybody buys a pirated copy of Cricket 2004, then EA have no desire to make a new game. Support the developers! Buy legal games!
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