Speeding the Game! - For last Generation Processors:-)


Club Cricketer
Aug 11, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
I have a pretty slow system (Celeron:400Hz,128MB Ram). I found BLC is not running smoothly(frame by frame appearance). I found a tweak which will tremoundously improve the game speed like in the Fast systems. (Its working for me!).
Step 1 :

Change the Virtual Mermory setting:
1)Click the MyComputer Icon and click Properties, There you find a list "Performance"
2)Click on "Virtual Memory" Settings. If the default option is "Let Windows the Virtual Memory Settings", Change it to "Let me specify my own Virtual Memory Setting", and select the drive where lots of freeSpace and importantly which may not have lots of Frequently Used Program. Then set the Min and Max Memory both to Exactly "300 MB". Then System ask you to reboot.
Step :2
* Press "Alt+Ctrl+Delete" keys together before start the game to find Close Program Chart. There you may find lot of Hoggers killing the Memory resources. Remove all Unwanted Entries like Systray, Mstask, TSRs and a lot and Leave the "Explorer" entry alone.
Here We go!, Now start the game and the game is just running as smoothly as it running in Higher End Systems!. The Frame rate is absolutely increasing. But Remember You have to do the Step: 2 every time you start the game.
I test this tweak with High Graphic Gory games Like

* Half-Life
* Quake-iii
* FIFA 2001
and * Max Payne
I No doubt it will do smoother things to BLC is well. So give it a try and let me know the feedback. Come soon with new gaming Tweaks!. "Happy Gaming"
:) :) :)

Boss :0
Boss, thanks for the tip, I have the same machine as you use, having followed your suggestion, the game is improved, seems quicker and does not stop at certain points. Is there any way of avoiding having to follow step 2 every time I start?, I have tried disabling real-player for example, I do'nt want to un-install it, can I stop it opening every time?, remove it from the system tray maybe?, Thanks again for the tip.
paul, if you want to stop a program from starting up everytime you boot up your PC and 'hanging around' in the background (i.e. in the system tray/taskbar), click 'Start'/ 'run'/ and in the 'open' box type 'msconfig'. Click 'OK' and on the next page click the 'Startup' tab. This displays a list of all the programs which load up everytime you boot up your PC. Uncheck any boxes next to the programs you don't want to run. However, TAKE CARE, coz there are some things in there which must always have a check next to them. Just remove the programs you are definately sure you don't need runnuing all the time.
hi fans
nope,blc is limited to 25-30 frames/s right .To run blcsmooth ,run the game with "fast match" cheat.but the game will be too fast to play,u see cricket2000 is a smooth game,the game can go beyond 30fps.but the game is not as real as blc.

boss:can i know your full computer config details?
Celeron 400mHz,128MB Ram can handle blc very well.
what graphic adapter u have?

Yap lobby!, I have a pretty old 3dAccelerator (SIS 6326 chipset Riva). I do find bit difficult to run the game continuosly with so much memory hoggers. So that, i did the tweak and it works for me!.
Thanks for your feedback Phil!, I also agree to tip given by Jonah!.

Boss ;)

thats good advise. the game is running more smoothly now. i also have the same system config, even a little worse[cel 333mhz,32mb R,sis 6326 4mb].


I think the tips are really very very good. These actually make the game realy really fast.....
i am ashish
i have a good idea of how to speed up the game
if u r tired of pressing ctrl+alt+del everytime u want to start any game then do the following
go to start then click the run button
in that type msconfig and click ok
then click startup on the msconfig and then uncheck all the items except scanregistry and then click ok. then computer will tell u to restart the computer and afterwards there is no need to do all kind of stuffs to speed the game.
tell me if there is any problem .
I have a pretty slow system (250Mhz 128 Ram etc.) but the one thing that makes the game run smoothly is running it with a Voodoo 3 card in 3dfx mode. In this mode I noticed the difference straight away compared to my old video card.

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