Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

oh god, I am not reading this.

racism is a little more complicated than comparing skin colours.

StinkyBoHoon added 3 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

True, and yet, white children are being brain-washed by education systems & media into thinking that only whites can be racist & being white is bad & being colored is good, no wonder then that whites are being pushed around so much because they're LETTING others push them around by being so politically correct & by being apologetic to every other group for absolutely nothing.

so you're what? suggesting white people should be more racist? how exactly are we being pushed about by the way? You sound like the sort of person that's calling out for another hitler you diabolical little piece of crap.
He's going along the lines of how we always hear about white people being racist to black people, but not the other way round when it clearly exists and does happen.

It's anti-discrimination, affirmative action that ends up being discriminatory towards the majority group.
one thing that makes me really angry is when white people start going "we're not getting a fair deal, and political correctness is all against us wah wah wah."

yeah, well, it's probably worth remembering the reason white nations have all the power these days is because we built our fortunes on the back of slavery and persecution. It wasn't that long ago the examples of racism in this country were appalling. Hell, when the american president was born he would not have been guaranteed a vote. People like to pretend racism is some ancient thing and that now we get walked over by people taking advantage of our political correctness. It's sad, it's exactly this type of attitude which fosters racism in society. The amount of "anti-discrimination" that actually effects white people is minimal in the extreme compared to the way discrimination effected people of other races and, sadly, our history shows we have to err on the side of caution if we want to stamp out racism.
True, and yet, white children are being brain-washed by education systems & media into thinking that only whites can be racist & being white is bad & being colored is good
He's going along the lines of how we always hear about white people being racist to black people, but not the other way round when it clearly exists and does happen.

It's anti-discrimination, affirmative action that ends up being discriminatory towards the majority group.

Anti-discrimination is not what the BNP would have you believe.
Hell, when the american president was born he would not have been guaranteed a vote.


Amendment XV to the U.S. Constitution -
Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Black males could vote before women.

Mark added 1 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

I also don't feel that today's white people should have to pay for the crimes of their ancestors. Affirmative action had its place 3 decades ago, now it serves to put under-qualified people in positions they do not deserve.

Also it not only screws white people, over here many qualified Asians loose out on jobs to under-qualified blacks and Hispanics.
That's right in theory but you know as well I do what the effect of grandfather clauses etc were.
I do agree about taking a more historical perspective on the slave trade. Black Africans were being bought by whites but they were being sold more often than not by Arabs and other Africans who had a lighter skin tone.

Anyway I think we're probably moving away from the topic a bit...

Amendment XV to the U.S. Constitution -
Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Black males could vote before women.

mark, you should know very well that until the civil rights movement in the 60s most blacks, especially in southern states, were denied the right to vote under the facade of literacy tests, or even being told they had to know things like the name of every senator. Which is why I said "guaranteed" fundamentally he had the right but it would often be denied.

the reason we have these imbalances is because wealth and oppertunity are largely inherited and black people still suffer because of the discriminations of the past. South africa is a good example of why this is needed. After apartheid they could just have gone, "ok, now we're all equal." But seeing as the majority of black people there were denied an education on par with white people and white people controlled a lot more wealth then things would still be unequal. of course a white person would be more qualified, but to continue a capatalist regime without any effort redress things would still amount to gross inequality.
Fair enough, the Jim Crowe laws and other intimidatory tactics to stop blacks from voting did not end until the late 60s early 70s.

but at the same time I wanted to point out that there were legally allowed to vote and did do so in many parts of the country (basically not the South)

The inequality is much more balanced in America than in South Africa though, anyone here can work their way out of the ghetto, Obama did.
I know, but the problem with racism, especially these days, is that it nests under appearances of equality. Racism was really only born in america after slavery ended, when black people were no more than slaves no one really bothered but when they were given their freedom the hatred and suspicion arose as a method to suppress them. the ku klux klan was formed in the immediate aftermath of the civil war for example.

and yeah, america, and here in britain we're a lot further down the line than south africa, but still not the whole way.
Also, by the time Obama was of legal voting age, it was the mid 80s.

I get your point Stinky but you are making it sound as if its as rampant today as it was in the 50s. We have come full circle from enslaving black people to having one lead us. Give us some flinging credit.

As much as you are making the West out to be bastions of hatred and racism, its way worse in under-developed countries.
no, I'm genuinely not, it's obviously a lot less of a problem but it still exists, it's just worth remembering that it's still out there. Friend of mine was at a group job interview and when they were asked to explain a sitauation involving dealing with a difficult customer and one guy sort of qualified the customer's dickish behaviour by saying "he was an indian gentleman" so it's still there, just not as blatant.

and to be honest the most sickening posts in this thread have come from enigma, who's a brit. I'm not having a go at america in the slighetest, I'm meaning to have a go at white people who seem to get very tetchy about one or two measures to redress a history of really shocking prejudice. like I said, racism is nothing like it used to be, it's totally frowned upon and that's good, but also, the sort of anti-discrimination people are talking about is not really that bad either. It certainly hasn't effected me in any real way. If you were looking for a good example were it was a problem then zimbabwean white people have suffered a lot.

and yeah, it's really bad in some under-developed countries. India's caste system is terrible, but that's no reason for us in developed countries to think it's ok. Like i also said, we benefitted more than anyone else for it in the past.

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