Last I heard, Zulqarnain Haider was in well-founded fear for his life and those of his family members. There are some REAL criminals involved in this, and the more focus placed on punishing the players, the more they chuckle to themselves on the way to the bank.
As with the drugs trade, it's the 'pushers' and potential murderers we ought to be after, not the addicts or the mules (or even the 'recreational users'...). While the multi-billion dollar gambling (in other words organized crime) syndicates and industry exists, they will always be able to find new players - and boards - to buy.
As for the players, let's have a sense of proportion as to their alleged offences. The destruction of players' careers is a punishment that does not fit the 'crimes'. Again, look at Haider. He's effectively under a life ban at the moment isn't he - and that's for being NOT guilty. Wholesale banning of players benefits no-one. Destroying the Pakistan team for a decade is too much of an attack on the fans and the game to be a just solution.