Chairman of Selectors
It's not looking good for Amir is it?
So he bowled a no-ball. Big deal! I'd like to see the evidence on which a cricket commission can find him guilty of anything more.
You fo' real? He was bowling no balls for cash.
but 1 no ball had literally no effect on the result.
Stealing $1 is the same as $1000000 to me. Just as one of those no balls is the same as 4.
These no balls were made to order for the NOTW journalist. Maybe someone who Mazhar Majeed had already known for a while would have been given more information. These no balls were just used as signals to establish trust between Majeed and the undercover reporter. We don't know what else was going on or what else we could have learned about Asif, Amir, Butt and whoever else if he didn't break the story as early as he did. There is more to it than just no balls.
Frankly I don't believe you. Unless this is a rule that only applies to frontline players on opposing teams.
Lucky for everyone including you that most legal systems (being sane) don't agree.
So now we are finding him guilty based on what we don't know. I'd like to see the prosecutor get up in court and say: "My Lord, we don't have much evidence against the accused, but we've an awful lot of ignorance, and we were hoping to use that to convict him".
This post deserves taking apart piece by piece - but then again that might be taking it too seriously.
Lucky for everyone including you that most legal systems (being sane) don't agree.
I was talking about it from a sporting perspective. Thought that would have been obvious to even the simplest of minds. Obviously not. Cheating is cheating and should be dealt with as such. They have brought the gentleman's game and their country to shame.
Uhh, no. The investigations have run far deeper than that Lord's test if you have actually been following this story. So it is very much based on what the authorities concerned do know. Haroon Lorgat even said that he would be very surprised if he found that they decided that they weren't guilty. The PAK-SL game in the Asia Cup and the Sydney test are being looked at very closely as well, amongst other games I'm sure. Don't just assume a sense of intellectual superiority when you have absolutely nothing to back it up .
These no balls were made to order for the NOTW journalist. Maybe someone who Mazhar Majeed had already known for a while would have been given more information. These no balls were just used as signals to establish trust between Majeed and the undercover reporter. We don't know what else was going on or what else we could have learned about Asif, Amir, Butt and whoever else if he didn't break the story as early as he did. There is more to it than just no balls.