Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

here is a nice little article on the lawsuit facing ICC if players are found innocent

PCB might sue ICC if tainted trio found innocent

i would also suggest lawsuits agains NOTW and Scotland Yard, and one against the government of England for allowing this injustice

If the players are found innocent clearly there was a conspiracy.

LOL a lawsuit against Scotland Yard? If the Police have reason to suspect a crime has been committed, they have the right to investigate and interview the suspects and any witnesses or those helping with enquiries. The police don't find anyone guilty. They charge them if they think theres a case to answer. A jury of normal people (you and me) decide whether the evidence makes those accused guilty or not.

Think about how ludicrous a society it would be if everyone questioned on suspicion of a crime and then released without charge sued the Police!

Oh, and if the Police here do something wrong - it's of there own doing. Not our Governments.
Think about how ludicrous a society it would be if everyone questioned on suspicion of a crime and then released without charge sued the Police!

They way the Pakis have approaches this is just testament to how awful their own legal system is and the lack of ethics in just about every single person in that country. No wonder their country is in shambles
They way the Pakis have approaches this is just testament to how awful their own legal system is and the lack of ethics in just about every single person in that country. No wonder their country is in shambles

Thank you for showing your true racist self
It's fun isn't it to just go around calling everyone a racist! Most whites tend to be oblivious to how racist other countries' colored people or some of the colored people living in their countries can be; I think it's time whites also started crying racist everytime a colored person said something they don't like, no matter how true it may be, that should even things out a little. :laugh
It's fun isn't it to just go around calling everyone a racist! Most whites tend to be oblivious to how racist other countries' colored people or some of the colored people living in their countries can be; I think it's time whites also started crying racist everytime a colored person said something they don't like, no matter how true it may be, that should even things out a little. :laugh

Its hopeless, according to them only white people are capable of racism. They say this while applying their "whitening creams"

Don't want to get de-railed but its no secret that many Indians/Pakis are racist against black people/ dark skinned people.
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29 cricketers suspected in alleged fixing in IPL2: Report - Hindustan Times

Don't know how credible this 'London based newspaper' they are quoting is but if what they have said is true, it's indeed matter of serious concern. I knew such a bombshell would have exploded some time or the other, and I guess today is the D-Day.

This was always on the cards, not at all surprising.:yes

News of the World is in business these days, I wonder if they specialise in breaking the news about fixing.:laugh

enigma added 5 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Its hopeless, according to them only white people are capable of racism. They say this while applying their "whitening creams"

True that :laugh All due to political correctness, I guess it's also time whites stopped being so politically correct & stopped getting pushed around by everyone.
Don't want to get de-railed but its no secret that many Indians/Pakis are racist against black people/ dark skinned people.

Uh, you do know that South Indians are dark skinned, right? So how can they be racist against their own skin color? :facepalm
lol that's the thing though. They blatantly are. Basically if you have a darker skin colour, you're seen as lower in society or some crap like that.

But we're getting really off topic here...
They say this while applying their "whitening creams"

Lol, how is mentioning whitening creams even related to this? Most white people want to get a tan, which is the same as someone who's of darker skin applying a whitening cream.
Don't want to get de-railed but its no secret that Indians/Pakis are racist against black people/ dark skinned people.

True, and yet, white children are being brain-washed by education systems & media into thinking that only whites can be racist & being white is bad & being colored is good, no wonder then that whites are being pushed around so much because they're LETTING others push them around by being so politically correct & by being apologetic to every other group for absolutely nothing.

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