[Stadium War] FAQ


ICC Chairman
Jan 12, 2004
Profile Flag
A lot of people have been asking questions about the Stadium War game (which you can join in and play here) so I thought an FAQ thread might be a good idea. Here goes!

Q. How do you play Stadium War?

A. In Stadium War, you are the owner of a cricket ground. You must improve your facilities to keep up to date, hire services and compete with other stadiums to land a match in the test and one day international calendar.

When you start up, you will have a budget of ?1,000,000. If you lose it all and do not get out of the red within one week then you will go bankrupt and your stadium will be taken over by the fictional cricket stadiums regulators, the International Regulators of Cricket Grounds, or IRCG. You must use your ?1,000,000 to do what is mentioned earlier: improve your facilities, hire services and compete. If you are chosen to host an international match, you can expect massive income and you can be well on your way to becoming the top of all the stadium managers.

Q. How do I join in?

A. You can join in with the game by clicking here and following the instructions.

Q. Is software used to run the game?

A. No, and I think this is a great part of the game. No software means there's no restrictions: whatever I think would be a good idea can be done. Easily.


If there's any questions that you have that still haven't been answered, post them in this thread and I'll answer them.

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