Stephen Fleming loses Test Captaincy, retires from ODI's


School Cricketer
Mar 14, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
This news is late and I wasn't going to really say much, but after reading this article:

It shows what an amazing person he is. I really doubt any other player in the world would stick around after having captaincy taken away when they wanted it in tests and were offered $500,000 for 1 months work. Shows how much he loves playing for his country and how unselfish he is. Also shows how he isn't power hungry and is happy to play under a new captain, even after the years and years of him doing the job.

Fleming captained 218 times for us in ODI's for 98 wins. 80 matches for 28 wins in tests and if it wasn't for us playing so little test cricket, he should have made the top of the list there too for most Tests as captain. A bit of a shame he won't make it to 100. He has easily been one of the best captains in the game ever and some can argue he has been 'the best' if you take into consideration the fact that we havn't had a strong side in the passed. I believe he has been a major factor in our improvement since the win in the ICC Champions Trophy to a top side.

He has also been a top batsman in the ODI team. 8037 runs. Has opening the innings. Has massivly improved recently and it's sad he has to go. We will miss him. Could play all the shots in the book on both sides of the wicket and could play any role, aggressive or defensive.

I hope he has huge tours this year with the bat in Tests. He deserves it.
They didn't want 2 separate captains as our ODI and Test sides are almost the same.

It's a shame. I think Fleming deserved to go out as captain. I guess there is a positive. If Vettori doesn't handle it, or more likely if he got injured we might see Fleming captain the test side again. Not that I hope it happens.

He'll still be there, probably vice captain. I'm sure he'll help Vettori a lot, not necessarily on the field, but he will no doubt still be a part of the tactics.
Fleming is a better skipper but I think they want to be able drop him and they want to have only one captain. As you said Vettori will be recieving a lot of help.
So he was sacked as Test Captian? Didn't expect that :confused:.

I shouldn't think they'd drop him either, he isn't one of the top batsman but he probably NZ's best at this time.
I'm pretty sure he will indeed be selected as a batsman. He is defiantly, by quite a margin, our best Batsman.
Good captain, decent batsman, doesn't convert enough into hundreds for my liking though. It's going to seem weird with somoene else captaining the Kiwi's, we've got back to back series against them, which will be interesting.
He'll be able to help Vettori out with his captaincy which doesn't happen often. Fleming deserved to go out as captain though. Will be interesting seeing how he performs without the captaincy.
Good decision.I have respected him ever since and this move by him shows how patriotic he is.

The ICL offer will be peanuts compared to what the BCCI will offer him for their T20 tournament.

New Zealand will be in a new era under Vettori.
I thought Fleming was one of the BEST skippers in the world!
Awesome skip, but i guess it was time to move on..

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