Strauss resigns as England captain - Cook named as successor


International Coach
Apr 4, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
Speculation is rife about Strauss' future as England captain.

BBC Sport - Andrew Strauss's England future is unclear

The future of England captain Andrew Strauss is unclear as cricket chiefs hastily arranged a news conference for midday on Wednesday.

Strauss, 35, pulled out of a Middlesex game early on Tuesday.

Several newspapers suggest Strauss will stand down as England captain while it is also reported the conference could clarify the future of Kevin Pietersen

I am trusting this won't be a "bye bye" to Strauss, and "welcome back Kevin" for KP. Maybe the board/selectors think that KP's inclusion in the last Test and for this ODI series might have made a difference, and that Strauss isn't.

I know from experience that often people don't get their just desserts, some decisions are ludicrous and could end up costing others.
As my article suggested a couple of weeks ago probably bye bye to both. Unless Matt Prior becomes captain KP has very little chance of being let back into the dressing room. The Cook/Broad/Swann/Anderson axis is too strong.
My worry is that Strauss stays on as a player, gets picked for sentimental reasons and then has a dreadful tour of India.
Well after KP battered Somerset's bowling attack he's staked a good claim for re-inclusion. If Strauss does go then I think he's making the right decision as he's been a walking wicket for too long. His departure though should put pressure on the selectors to bring KP back into the fold because they have no one to step into the Strauss vacancy (if he loses his spot with the captaincy). I hope we'll see this lineup in the future:


The middle order could be re ordered.
Strauss played all the KP issues with a straight bat (which is more than he's done to Morne Morkel this series).
No surprise that Cook taking over but wish the ECB had at least pretended to consider Anderson and Swann.
I am a big Andrew Strauss fan. I think he is good human being and I think it is a real shame to see him go in these circumstances.

I hope it was his decision to go and he wasn't pushed by anyone especially the recent events surrounding KP.

I know it's deeply untrendy to not want KP back, but I'd rather have a player making 0,0,0,0, (and if they bring back Bopara that is probably likely) then a player sending texts to the opposition bowlers of how to get me out. I will be really cross if they pick Kev.

Thanks Andrew, your achievments as captain rank amongst the best of any modern captain, and the manner in which you have conducted yourself on and off the pitch has been a credit to yourself, England and the game of Cricket

Cook (c)
etc etc
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Wow, he quit all cricket. wtf? Didn't see it coming.

This. Thought he would give up captaincy, play county cricket. It'll be sad to see him go. Strauss has to be one my favourite cricketers. Just something about him.
I am somewhat shocked he stood down from ALL forms of cricket, I trust he will see sense in time and realise he would only have a few years left anyway and a career ends usually before 40 anyway.

I bet he is putting a brave face on it and has been affected by the whole KP saga. It's too much of a coincidence, he hasn't suddenly hit bad form and can't have only just realised he's been in bad form. And surely the first remedial action is to go back to county cricket and find form, not just give it all up in one go.

If Smith is claiming his 3rd England captain, KP claiming the assist
I think this is perfect timing for Strauss. I kinda alluded to it in my piece about Cook as future captain. This goes to show Strauss is a man who understands and wants what's best for English cricket. A number of players throughout the world can learn from him.

he is the second most successful captain in English test history, 2 back to back Ashes victories, held his dignity during the 06 and '10 debacles with Pakistan, battered India, played crucial innings against SA in SA in...04 I think? And people seem to forget his 2 centuries in 05. What a career!
Seem like I'm in the minority, but I did see this coming, poor form, the whole KP thing, makes sense.
Didn't see the complete retirement coming at all. However I had come to question whether or not Strauss would merit a place in the Test side if he wasn't captain over the summer.

Then again, as he said himself, he knows where his game is at and if you can't see yourself getting better it's definitely the time to quit. Mainly because it shows a lack of mental perseverance. Sad to see him go, but it's probably the best for the side.

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