Such a let down

This could all be resolved if there are plans for another patch or not.. If there is, great. If not, move on and get over it.
This could all be resolved if there are plans for another patch or not.. If there is, great. If not, move on and get over it.

Yeah I have to say I agree with this. Some communication would be great, just let the people know what the go is!
They are just tarnishing the reputation they have built from DBC14 , dunno whose calling the cards in BAS office. From the looks of it I am pretty sure that DBC17 is the last cricket game from BAS.
I have heard that MLB16 is awesome. I wish SIE San Diego Studio had developed DBC17 instead of BA. Atleast they would have had some courtesy to respond/address their bugs ASAP. @Ross, humber request is try to Keep in touch with your customers regularly, be transparent on the development of the game with them. Am sure BA is not going to loss anything by doing this. Do they ?
Well said...[DOUBLEPOST=1501574737][/DOUBLEPOST]
With an arrogant CEO who thinks he's always right, it's no wonder the game is so flawed.
Your spot on..yes I've used the odd swearword on Facebook but I wasn't abusive on twitter OR the email I's just a total disregard for us the paying customers...shocking treatment..
There is no doubt that Big Ant Studios are the best, when it comes to making cricket games, Codemasters were great too but clearly they are not interested in making cricket games no anymore.
I would doubt that a American company would take on a cricket game anyway because cricket is not even a popular sport in America and besides just because they can make a great baseball game
doesn't mean they can make a great cricket game.
There is no doubt that Big Ant Studios are the best, when it comes to making cricket games, Codemasters were great too but clearly they are not interested in making cricket games no anymore.
I would doubt that a American company would take on a cricket game anyway because cricket is not even a popular sport in America and besides just because they can make a great baseball game
doesn't mean they can make a great cricket game.
Right on many occasions, shame they can't fix the broken game... ?
baseball is played only in USA/canada. Also it seems easier to play than cricket with much fewer rules and everyone wearing gloves even to catch the balls.

It's also big in the Spanish and Dutch Caribbean, Latin America and all over Asia.

Very narrow minded and hope there was humour attached... There is a good following of baseball here in the UK and when I lived in Australia so don't let the ignorant people bring you down snowflake.

And less of the 'folk like you' you don't know us... Love peas and vegetable rights!

"folks like you", as in Biritish/Commonwealth cricket fans. Not particularly intendedly offensive.
You can always trade in the game for something better.
I hope Big Ant makes another cricket game and they need to get some better game testers this time.
It's also big in the Spanish and Dutch Caribbean, Latin America and all over Asia.

"folks like you", as in Biritish/Commonwealth cricket fans. Not particularly intendedly offensive.
My understanding in life or sport is to understand before I make an opinion so, I decided to understand Baseball and loved it.
My understanding in life or sport is to understand before I make an opinion so, I decided to understand Baseball and loved it.
Baseball looks quite fun but I enjoy Cricket a lot more.
If there was a cricket game just like MLB the Show then that would be amazing..but it look like it will never happen sadly :(.
Baseball looks quite fun but I enjoy Cricket a lot more.
If there was a cricket gamr just like MLB the Show then that would be amazing..but it look like it will never happen sadly :(.
I follow a lot of sport but it is sadly true about cricket games one for the wish list.[DOUBLEPOST=1501622830][/DOUBLEPOST]
I believe that's what she said when she met you.
You are talking to a donkey...?
I follow a lot of sport but it is sadly true about cricket games one for the wish list.[DOUBLEPOST=1501622830][/DOUBLEPOST]
You are talking to a donkey...?
Oh we got plenty of games to enjoy while we wait for that prefect Cricket game.
DBC 14 is good Game to be honest after patches but Career Mode is DBC 17 is a let down compare to DBC14

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