AMA Sure, what the hell.. Ask me (VC the slogger)

What would you grab if your house was on fire

My dogs, my phone so I can call for help and also my earphones so that I can listen to a few tracks while it's on the way.

What was your favorite childhood toy

Didn't really have a favorite tbh. Would jump from one after the other like a spoiled brat.

What was your worst job

Haven't really done anything all that cringeworthy if you're counting jobs that pay.

What does your name mean

My first name Varun means "Infinite" according to google, the the last obviously means "Moon" in Hindi.

How do you spend your free time, and where do you like to go

Mostly prefer going to the movies with someone or the other and hanging out at my gym with my fellow trainees 'cause I find them easy to relate to (everybody else is just so "normal" and boring :p). Previously, I'd also go out for a drink or two every now and then with friends, but I've completely stopped drinking since the start of this year, so that's quite off the table now. I also like taking my dogs out for a stroll on the terrace of my apartment/office building. When I'm home, I prefer watching old movies/TV shows (Westerns ft Clint Eastwood, Game of Thrones, TWD etc), listening to music obviously, browsing the net looking up stuff on Wiki, Cricinfo (until recently anyway), posting on this site, looking up certain recipes though I seldom ever end up cooking them, searching for funny YouTube videos/parodies (as an example below):

That's pretty much it, I guess. I'm quite a..

What role models do you respect the most

Those who join the army and put their lives on the line to defend our country for very little financial reward. And people who never give up regardless of the situations they find themselves in.

Where were you born

Kolkata, India.

What’s one thing on your bucket list

ONE thing?! Like seriously?

Are you a troublemaker

Not any longer (guess I grew old :p). But as a kid, I'd put off many people by breaking their windows while playing cricket with friends.

Who is your best friend and what do you love about him/her

That he walks on all fours and doesn't utter a single word, although he occasionally barks at strangers. So much less drama to put up with.


What’s one place you really want to travel to

Germany, as I've mentioned previously in this thread.

Germany. Someone quite close to me is based there in Dusseldorf and I owe them a couple of visits at the very least given how often they've made the effort to fly all the way down here to Kolkata where I live. Have also heard a great deal about the beer and historical sites like the Soviet War Memorial, Cologne cathedral, concentration camps among other things. There's no place I'd like to visit more when I can spare the time.

What makes you really irritated? Especially something other people do that irritates you!

Gossip. I believe if you have something to say about somebody, say it out in the open and right to their bloody faces! Don't fill my ears with that crap.

If you were a woman for a day, what would be the first thing you do

Get up to see if my hair looks alright in the mirror and then take a shower, I suppose.

What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person

The loss of my father two years ago, everything I had to go through in the months following and the subsequent end to a relationship I once enjoyed. It definitely changed me as a person.

What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about


Where is one place you feel most like yourself

The gym.

What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do

Travel the world. I have made up a list of places I'd like to visit in my bucket list.

Where is your favorite place to escape to

The gym again. What I have to do while I'm there is very clearly laid out, and I find it the perfect place to vent out my frustration at various things that have happened or are currently happening in my life. They usually play some pretty cool music in the background too.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be

Absolutely nothing.

What is your biggest fear

Heights and standing at high places.

When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up

A rockstar.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done

A few years back someone once dared me to race him across the street with oncoming traffic and I foolishly accepted. I would say I missed death or a very serious injury only by an inch (or a few inches). It is still something I am quite ashamed of having tried to this day, especially given how bad it made my parents feel afterwards when someone told them.

Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments

As long was they're genuine compliments, and not attempts at flattery.

How seriously do you take horoscopes

They're a load of crap in my opinion.

Do you have any regrets? What’s your biggest one

I don't have any. My late father taught me to not have any regrets at any of the choices I've made and to keep moving forward regardless of the outcome. I live by those words.
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What kept you active for so long on this forum, was it your love of leagues or something else altogether?
Your take on Planet Cricket's top 10 most popular members (currently active) ? Kindly name the top 10 most popular members (in no particular order)
Describe your avatar?

Meh. Ain't got time to write paragraphs on why I picked it, so here goes:

What kept you active for so long on this forum, was it your love of leagues or something else altogether?

I just like being here.

Your take on Planet Cricket's top 10 most popular members (currently active) ? Kindly name the top 10 most popular members (in no particular order)

Probably yourself, Aislabie, AliB, CaptainCremer, MattW, Na Maloom Afraad, PresidentEvil, SweetCaroline, User2010, zimrahil (in alphabetical order 'cause I'm slightly OCD)
Meh. Ain't got time to write paragraphs on why I picked it, so here goes:

Holy crap! That pretty much explains it. But I mean... jeez!

Probably yourself, Aislabie, AliB, CaptainCremer, MattW, Na Maloom Afraad, PresidentEvil, SweetCaroline, User2010, zimrahil (in alphabetical order 'cause I'm slightly OCD)

Yeah don't include me. Fine. I was only the richest person over here and I used to reward millions of vCash to the participators in my leagues.
Only 'cause you haven't been around much of late. The criteria was 'currently active' members.

That's my mistake as I completely missed that. But I sure will be around here from now onwards, be talking, running leagues just like the old days. I know you'd have count me in if I were active. After all, I was the richest. I'm hard to be ignored. I was Rabbit Hood! :spy
If I ask you to dance on a song of your choice, Which song will it be ?
If I ask you to dance on a song of your choice, Which song will it be ?

Right, what going on in this threa....

Well strike me backwards, you have asked a second question??? I need to find a very big dark room to go lie down in. If one didn't know better one would think you are actually trying to make an effort?
What languages can you speak?

What languages you'd like to learn? (I mean tongues. Don't jump into computer programming.)

First to exist - Chicken or egg?

Do you still watch cartoon shows?

Which cartoon show was your favorite in childhood?

Places you'd like photo-shooting yourself?

Things you'll do if you had powers of a superhero?

Your three wishes if you were an omnipotent? (Don't let one of your wishes be three more wishes)

Five celebrities you'd want to sleep with? Couple of people already denied to answer this one. I hope you'll try your best.

Do you rate other countries above your country? Which countries are they?

What if you were PlanetCricket's Bill Gate$?

Do you still play Cricket 07?
NOOO! I know.

First person you'll shoot in face if you have to?

Your favorite electronics sellers?

How are you?

How often you get stressed? What do you do to come over?

Do you look back at yourself(the you a few years ago) and say "What a jerk!"?

You treat my questions as - some value/fun/crap/shit/shittier? Just say what you truly feel or just pass.

Do you believe if a cat crosses your path, you won't get your job done?
I taking interest in asking you more questions depends on answer of this one.
What languages can you speak?

I can hold conversations quite fluently in English, Hindi and Bengali to some extent.

What languages you'd like to learn? (I mean tongues. Don't jump into computer programming.)

It would be great to learn a bit of French, German and Spanish.

First to exist - Chicken or egg?

The egg, 'cause where else would the chicken come from?

Do you still watch cartoon shows?

It's been years since I've watched any. Mostly into horror and drama now.

Which cartoon show was your favorite in childhood?

Courage the Cowardly Dog.

Places you'd like photo-shooting yourself?

Atop the Empire State Building and the Great Wall of China someday.

Things you'll do if you had powers of a superhero?

Wreck havoc in a fun sort of way. I'm not meant to be a superhero, more of a supervillain instead.

Your three wishes if you were an omnipotent? (Don't let one of your wishes be three more wishes)

  • Remove the people who really control the world in secret from power behind the scenes. And I don't mean the Trumps, Kims etc of this world. They're just pawns at the end of the day.
  • Make public all the secret cures for supposedly 'incurable' diseases they've been hiding from us all these years just so the Big Pharmas can make a buck.
  • Put an end to all these idiotic wars and conflicts that take place the world over. We need to end these petty little feuds and unite as a species to make this world a better place, improve ourselves further and explore other habitable parts of the solar system. If aliens do exist and there's obviously a bloody good chance they do, they must be laughing at us right now.

Five celebrities you'd want to sleep with? Couple of people already denied to answer this one. I hope you'll try your best.

I don't want to sleep with people I haven't had the pleasure of knowing yet.

Do you rate other countries above your country? Which countries are they?

There are several countries that are currently ahead of us in many ways - be it education, technology, sports and what not. I do not prefer rating any one country over the other however.

What if you were PlanetCricket's Bill Gate$?

You were, though. How much power would you say that gave you? Absolutely nil in the large scheme of things. If I had that much vCash, I'd still carry on just the way I am currently.

Do you still play Cricket 07?
NOOO! I know.

First person you'll shoot in face if you have to?

I don't think I hate anyone that much tbh.

Your favorite electronics sellers?

I don't have a favorite. I prefer buying whichever is the best quality and at the same time most economically viable.

How are you?


How often you get stressed? What do you do to come over?

Not very often. Music always helps and getting a bit of exercise too.

Do you look back at yourself(the you a few years ago) and say "What a jerk!"?

I do. Mid-late 2014 me was at times cringeworthy as an individual in my opinion.

You treat my questions as - some value/fun/crap/shit/shittier?

You ask some pretty fun questions.

Do you believe if a cat crosses your path, you won't get your job done?
I taking interest in asking you more questions depends on answer of this one.

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Absolutely loved Schwarzenegger's response to that question. It's hilarious. :lol
How long do you think you could survive without food and water or without any supplement, just the oxygen is all you have. Normal weather: 20 degree celsius, clear sky, no natural catastrophe.

Do you like smoking? How often you smoke?

What would you do if you hit someone by car? What if it's not a human being but another living being?

Do you like it rainy, sunny or snow falling?

A teacher in your entire life that you value so much?

What languages would you like to learn?

Any foreign clothing culture you like?

Favorite character from video games?

Any specifically favorite picture? Show us here.

What do you do for a living?

Would you enjoy being an administrator of this site or regret that oh now I have more responsibility?

What if you were born a woman?

How hardly or easily you get into trouble with people you visit?

What do you think about my another(literally) username change? :p

Is Rabbit Hood the greatest hero of all time?

Do you think India should be named Japan?

Your nation's at war, needs new recruitment, will you just join giving up on everything else?

Which cricket era you like most: Only the tests era, tests and ODI era or the current era?

Do you think transfer window thing such as in football should be brought into cricket?

Who do you think will be the most expensively transferred played?

If you were to delete one of your friend's bad habit, what would it be?

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