Survivor Mafia - End Game (Town Win)

Let me just clarify what experience means because it has nothing to do with how helpful the player is. I am an experienced player, probably not that good but I am experienced, however Skill on the other hand would be more appropriate.
Spoobir is not an experienced player, Skilful? Maybe.
I've never really liked the tactic he uses, sneaky ninja, doesn't talk much, wants others to find out who the Mafia are, and then jumps on, although I'm pretty sure he's never been townie, except when he was townie for like half the game.

Unlynch: Yudi

Not out of my list, but for now;

Lynch: Spoobir

Using the same style he uses when he's Mafia/Anti-town
To be honest, I don't think it should be an experience issue at all. For the mafia it's all about roles, and for them, getting rid of roles should be more important than knocking off experienced/skillful players, atleast at the very beginning.
Although, I feel that mafia missed it's kill and it's the SK who killed AfridiRulez, I can't be sure.

In the games I've been mafia, and had to initiate the first night-kill, I prefer to choose fringe players, because I didn't want the game to lose activity if I got rid of someone like ARay, or LongLegs..

It all comes down to the playing style of each person, and the group.. That's why I want further answers from Yudi, he seems to know what the mafia thinks...


Spoobir, that was very very suspicious from you.. I never said I wanted to lynch Yudi out or anything. There is nothing concrete against him. I simply placed a lynch on him to put him under some pressure.
You've simply gone ahead with the lynch, put my name to blame if anything goes wrong, and asked him to role-claim.

Why would you want him to role-claim already?? I sense mafia wanting to know the town roles. At this point of time, if he answers all the questions posted to him, I'm sure it is likely to clarify doubts, or raise more questions. There isn't any need to ask for a role-claim yet.

FOS: Spoobir
Well excuse me for thinking we should actually lynch somebody today. In case you hadn't noticed time is slipping away again.

At the moment all we are doing is frantically analysing every offhand statement people have made that could mean anything and picking random people and asking them "What do you think of player x". Our lynches are spread out all over the place so no one is pressured to do anything which is why I "bandwaggoned" on the Yudi lynch.

One roleclaim isn't going to throw the balance in mafia's favour, unless he's got a power role such as cop, but another day with no lynch definitely will. Anyway MaD has decided to lynch me because of some deep insight he has into my playstyle so it's not likely Yudi is going to feel pressured to do anything now is it?
Mass claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaim

Lol I'm not saying we should go that far but you can learn a lot from the analysis of one claim.

Not only can you examine the claim itself to see how valid it is but you can obtain clues from how the other players respond to it, who believes it and so on.

Also Sim hasn't even posted yet today.
Yeah I know, I just wanna hear Yudi's gameplan now that he's got his no lynch, I don't think we need to push a claim yet BUT if he doesn't have a power role or anything, he might as well
Just a note on this whole Aditya/experience thing.

This is only my 4th mafia game and in the last one it was definitely lack of experience that proved my downfall when I fell into Abhas' trap, so I definitely wouldn't consider myself experienced compared to some of you guys.

On the other hand I am pleased Aditya thinks I'm worth keeping alive and I'll have to work to prove him right. (Although he has backpedalled quite a bit since then :lol)
It would be best , if Yudi doesnt role claim because if he does have a power role he isnt going to role claim and it is going to be so obvious to the mafias that he is probaby the doc or cop or something.

So for now , dont role claim Yudi
I see I have not got a reply from Aditya yet. On thing i DO want to talk about while reading this last page is mass claim at this stage is not the best idea. The reason being there are waay too many power roles that can be compromised (keep in mind we have two killers). However I do expect mass claim to be extremely useful in mid game.
Mass claim is when everybody role or character claim so that the town can find out any flaws and pick out the mafia.

I don't think we should mass claim now, it would give the mafia a huge insight into this game.
@Aray - Sorry mate, I wasn't online at the time you posted that question.

i was rather referring to Yudi being confident that SK was the one who made the kill. Do you think it makes sense when given the write up really does not give an indication as to the alignment, the first post a person makes is this. What are your views on this?

The post does look suspicious but if you see that the two person above him, Abhas and MaD said the same thing. Although the way Yudi said it "I think its pretty obvious that the mafias missed their target and it was the SK who killed AfridiRulez." It seems as if he is very sure that it was SK who killed Afridirulez, what I think is, he just followed the two people above him and said it in the way that it looks that he has analyzed the write up or maybe he analyzed the write up and it's his views, that it was the sk who killed Afridirulez but then he shouldn't be so sure.

Okay, here is my question at what point does lynching an "experienced" member become viable?
You say here day 2, but then for other people it definitely could be day 3. For some people it could even be day 1.
The point I am trying to make is that experience should never prevent a lynch, whatever the day it is. If a player acts suspiciously its perfectly viable to get a lynch on him (regardless of experience).

It becomes viable on day 1 itself but to lynch a experienced member on day 1, we should really have a solid evidence to support our lynch.

Not really day 2 but we do get some proves to support a lynch on day 2, we might even get good proves on day 1 but on day 2 we do get a lot of proves and not only just 1 member, more than 1 member look suspicious on day 2 and even a experienced player ends up making a mistake on day 2, which can get him lynched. Chances of this happening on day 1 are dull.

I completely agree with this point and another point I'd like to add here is, you must have a solid prove to lynch a experienced member. If Abhas made a small mistake on day 1, would have you lynched him on day 1? Knowing that once he gets lynched and comes up as a townie we will have a big set back on the day 1. That is what my point has been since the day 1 to now, we must lynch experienced members but only if we have a solid evidence against them.
Simsanta hasn't been active since the twelfth grade exam results plus the competition results were announced.
Why would a Serial-killer want to kill a weak-member if we go by the same logic? As I see it, strong players are probably equally harmful to the mafia as well as the serial killer.
A serial killer would not want to kill a weak player, but one of the guys of whom he (AfridiRulez) was suspicious could just do so in order to eliminate a possible threat.

If I was not to lynch Sim, I would have lynched Yudi simply basically because he was saying to go for no one on day 1 where as I was saying that even if we are going to lynch someone, it should be a newbie because lynching a experienced member without a solid evidence isn't a great idea on day 1.
Not just this game, I have been gunning for a no lynch on day 1 in almost every mafia game I've played. And your logic is flawed. According to you, it's better to blindly lynch a newbie who is a part of the town rather than going for a no lynch. That's just stupid imo. Not only does that eliminates a townie, it also means that the so called 'stronger' players are never lynched and if they are the mafias, then the townies don't stand any chance to win the game.
If everyone was of the view that a newbie should be lynched on day 1, then no player would ever get experienced!

Although, I do agree that Yudi's SK post is kind of a scumslip
I used the term 'obvious' because the mafias would never want to kill a player like AfridriRulez on Night 1. If the bus driver was not involved in the activities that took place during the night phase, then its certain that AfridiRulez was killed by a SK.

@ Yudi - You got your "wish" on day one of a no lynch, so where shall we proceed from here, is it time to randomly attack some people some more, or shall we just do nothing today again as we can't be certain of anyone? (I'm being serious by the way, I'm just wondering what you think we should do)
Scumhunt is the way to go, but I don't think that should work in a situation like this. I feel we should do a hypocop before lynching anyone, that would certainly help if the cop dies in the future.

@Aray - Sorry mate, I wasn't online at the time you posted that question.
Firstly, you have set your forum status to invisible, which means no user can see when you were last active on the forum and neither can anyone see whether you are online or offline, as you appear offline even if you are online. Being aware of this fact, you have used an excuse of 'I wasn't online' a lot of times now, which is pissing me off.
To be very frank, you are not at all contributing anything to game. All that you are doing is to be a part of the game and flow in the discussion with no real help to the town.
Your posts seem really scummy to me, and so does your approach.

Massive FOS on you!

And you were earlier defending Spoobir, later when Zohaib attacked you, Spoobir completely ignored that post and jumped on the bandwagon, casting a lynch against my name. Just for these two reasons, I'm very suspicious of Spoobir too.

FOS: Aditya, Spoobir

Lynch: Aditya - Just to add up some pressure so that you reply quickly and don't turn up after 24 hours or so and say that I wasn't online.

@All: A mass claim so early in the game sounds silly tbh. I would rather prefer doing a hypocop, that's the safest option imo.

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