As I've said before his character was against who the godfather will be, despite both being on the same tribe in the series (villains), there are alliances within those tribes etc, which is why I've said before that his claim to some extent does add up, like she is a villains but she is against the godfather. Another point is that that she was the winner, so it will be extremely strange if she's not in the 13 characters, which I guess is mainly why I haven't lynched him yet. At the same time however his play has been kind of strange at times, which is why he's not fully cleared for me.
And in the series it was a 10 - 10 split, so at a guess Hedger would have got rid of the seven minority characters, leaving maybe a 7 - 6 split, so therefore he's still have to take a couple of villains and put them on the town side here. E.g. Jerri Manthey (AfridiRulez) was a villain in the series, but was town here.