I went to a football game once, saw Geelong play Brisbane at Shell Stadium (as it was known then). There would be more to this story but the match was so boring I've forgotten most of it.Firstly, depends what sort of pie you're talking. If you're talking those ones they sell at the footy these days, I could eat part of three pies at once. They're tiny. The only reason you don't is because they cost so much in the first place you only bought one.
If they are tiny pies, why not eat the pies whole?
Why set a challenge that is difficult to achieve? Lower the bar and you are more successful. Think of testing in schools, if people are getting dumber, make the test easier, then everyone is smart again. How do you think Queensland got to be 'The Smart State'?And with the draw one, wouldn't that make it a fair bit easier than when playing draw three? Draw three drives me up the wall, but I can see how it makes my game a more challenging and fulfilling one in terms of life accomplishments. Whatever makes you happy, I suppose. A Sydney McStallion would play draw five, as he would be much better.