Ayub 95
Club Cricketer
Does anyone want me i'm free
October 10, 2008.
Source: PCPL
KBChandraW, who plays for the Sydney McStallions announces his intentions to stay with his current team today. He said: "I'm still proud to be a McStallion". He added "It's an honour to be a part of the team." During the press conference. Rumours spread rapidly that KBChandraW was thinking to play for a new team which was previously announced in the PCPL. On that note, He said "Yes, the rumours were true and i did fall in dilemma of getting transferred into another team rather as an owner than as a player. The team i play for has lots of riches, but what mattered me is to do consistently well as a player for the upcoming season(s) and if i will be successful, that would be the top riches I'll get ever in my PCPL Career." Talking about the ownership of teams, he said: "It is way too early for me to do take up the ownership of a team, though which was a honour to do. But, as far as i'm concerned, i just want to play my cricket in a freestyle fashion." Quickly, he added: "Therefore, i close this issue right here and finally, i will be playing my heart out for Sydney McStallions this season, there's a lot of time to decide my next step for the 3rd season."
KBChandraW, who wore the Great sydney McStallions jersey for the PCPL's double famed debut season as he signed Sydney McStallions on a free move. He had a disastrous start to the PCPL career, claiming no wickets in three matches and not scoring a run. Although, let's hope his team puts up some shows this season.