Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

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My opinion about whats wrong with this guy.
1. Everything will be patched soon that is Big Ant.
2.He simply sucks at this game and is unable to acknowledge the fact that no game is perfect.
3.This game is great and 90% of people can agree that this game is better than previous games.
6.lordrolo should go to the ea cricket 2007 forum and rot in thier.
7.he is simply a ----. :yes

Aww did the big bad Rolo upset you because he said the game is terrible? If you think a simple patch will fix everything then you are seriously deluded. And 90% people like the game do they? Where did you pluck that figure from?

Listen I like to bowl. That's what I do. Although I think the mechanics of the bowling is great.. The AI rarely nick off. It's nothing to do with sucking at the game I get plenty of wickets they're just very samey. Reading back people are saying I get loads of edges - yeah I do too when I bat.

I think the game has pontential but the attention to detail is pretty poor I'm sorry there's no denying that.

As for IC2010... I'm not saying its a better game. I just scored it against the issues on the original post. However I think the catching from the Ashes series is something Bigant should have implemented. I thought catching was revolutionary.
Thanks for getting involved captain grammar. The game sucks and everyone knows I'm right. I paid ?50 for this and I have every right to share my thoughts.

I do think you need to look up the word (EVERYONE). I believe it means the world every person in it. So um no not everyone knows or agree with this.
I myself can not stop playing it even with the bugs. So that right there kills your (EVERYONE) line. :cheers
I do think you need to look up the word (EVERYONE). I believe it means the world every person in it. So um no not everyone knows or agree with this.
I myself can not stop playing it even with the bugs. So that right there kills your (EVERYONE) line.

I was annoyed at the time.
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Oh he still hasn't posted about any of his issues in the thread that could actually help him.

I'm shocked.
The problem with lordrollo is he thinks we don't agree with him, this is a good cricket game. Has it been over hyped god yes and has it lived up to that hype is a huge question. My answer is sometimes but the game does need a lot of work, we will see after the patches if it improves the gameplay.

We all want this game and Bigant to have success and i do think they will after some time. For the PC version if i was Bigant i would not rush it out in june if these problem are still happening.

Now for IC2010, was a good game but Don14 is better game but not in all ways.

PS for Lordrollo and Lee 1981 and other not enjoying the game my advice is wait till after the Patch and see if you still feel the same.

Last i will say on this post, yes the edges are good in the game but not enough. I agree 100% there, this need work.:spy
Off topic
Anyone want a better idea,
@Lordrolo can give me the game for about I don't know 15$ as a discount and also a good (bug free:rolleyes) pc emulator to play the game in my pc.:yes
Yes I did. Took what you said on board and posted a few things in the issues and anomalies thread.

Both issues which have been discussed ad nauseam...a patch for the Carberry issue was already confirmed over a week ago AND confirmed in this thread.

This shit is pointless.
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Terrible game.

Full of bugs.
No. No major biggies, but the game has a steep learning curve.

Who else agrees?

No one I know Who has bought the game complained so far, in fact they love the game play so so much, they don't even care about the little bugs. Everyone is just waiting for the patch and eagerly awaiting the next iteration. I vote for DBC 15 to be made the Official Game of the World Cup 2015. Who Else Agrees? :yes

You are going too far the other way.
It's certainly not a terrible game but there are a lot of issues and some of them are pretty Damn big. For me it's still worth a purchase, even if they never fixed anything, It's only half an hour of work to pay for it.

I'm just not sure they will be able to get the ai to the standard I want it. Most of the other things should be fixable though.
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