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The Viper vs. The Yudi (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Johny Evans - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Miami, The Viper!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[The Viper comes to the ring. ]

Johny Evans - and his opponent, weighing in at 255 pounds, from Greenwich, Connecticut, The Yudi!!!

[As Green Smoke apprears At The Entrance, yudi come with a bottle of water, drink it, walk towards the ring, move to the side, drink some water from the bottle, put some on his face, then spill it out (In style) and throw the bottle to the crowd
The Yudi gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Viper.
The Yudi places The Viper on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
(ding, ding, ding) The Viper with an Aztecan suplex on The Yudi sends him to the mat.
The Viper climbs to his feet.
The Yudi moves back to his feet.
The Yudi chops The Viper.
The Yudi pulls The Viper's hair.
The Viper gouges The Yudi's eyes out.
The Yudi hiptosses The Viper.
The Yudi stomps The Viper.
The Yudi stomps The Viper.

Johny Evans - The Yudi executes a stomp.

[The Yudi takes a slap to the face from The Viper.
The Viper stands up.
The Viper rakes his fingers across The Yudi's back.
The Yudi uses a running lariat to take The Viper down.
The Viper gets knock to the ground while The Yudi locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission.
Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out.
... ... ... ... The Yudi tightens the hold. The Viper escapes.
The Viper gets back to his feet.
The Viper nails The Yudi with a belly-to-back suplex.
The Viper puts The Yudi in an arm grapevine submission.
The Yudi executes a jawbreakeron The Viper.
Now The Yudi standing.
The Yudi knifehand chops The Viper.
The Viper pulls The Yudi's hair.
The Yudi hits him with a back fist.
The Viper hiptosses The Yudi.
The Viper measures The Yudi up and drops a closed fist.
The Viper is up again.
The Yudi stands up.
The Yudi uses a belly-to-belly suplex. The Viper is down.
The Viper stands up.
The Viper lifts up The Yudi and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb.
The Yudi climbs to his feet.

Johny Evans - The Yudi could use some help about now.

[The Viper hits a running forearm smash on The Yudi's face.
The Viper drags The Yudi to the floor.
Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1)
The Viper cuts The Yudi with a blade.
The Yudi is bleeding as a result.
The Viper puts The Yudi in an arm grapevine submission.
The Yudi climbs to his feet.
The Viper get nailed with a double axhandle chop from The Yudi.
The Viper gets up.
The Viper tackles and begins punching The Yudi.
The Yudi is up again.
They fight into the aisle.
The Yudi and The Viper move back to ringside.
They fight into the aisle.
The Yudi and The Viper move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
The Yudi uses a lariat on The Viper.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
The Viper hits The Yudi with the back of his elbow.
The Yudi bounces The Viper off the ropes and clotheslines him.
The Viper is back on his feet.
The Yudi hits The Viper with the back of his elbow.
The Viper goes for a hotshot but The Yudi dodges the attack.
The Viper uses a lariat on The Yudi.
The Yudi superkicks The Viper.
The Yudi stomps The Viper.
The Yudi kicks The Viper on the mat.

JBL - The Yudi with a stomp.

[The Viper gets hit with the shooting star press from The Yudi.
Scott Armstrong counts.
The Viper escapes.

Johny Evans - The Yudi should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[The Yudi gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.

JBL - The Viper executes a backspin armdrag.

[The Viper fist drops The Yudi on the mat.
The Viper goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
The Yudi escapes.
The Yudi climbs to his feet.
The Yudi executes a huge gutbuster on The Viper.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
The Yudi spins aroround The Viper's back and DDT's him into the mat.
The Yudi stands up.
The Yudi wraps his legs around The Viper's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
The referee is checking the situation.
... The Yudi tightens the hold. ... ... The Yudi breaks the hold.
The Yudi runs and tackles The Viper. The Yudi punches him in the head.
The Viper executes a headlock takedown.
The Yudi gets back to his feet.
The Yudi does a cartwheel and kicks The Viper in the face.

Johny Evans - The Viper takes a cartwheel kick.

[The Yudi stomps The Viper.
The Yudi kicks The Viper on the mat.
The Yudi kicks The Viper on the mat.
The Viper is back on his feet.
The Viper gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by The Yudi.
The Yudi gets back to his feet.
Now The Viper standing.
The Yudi sends The Viper to ringside.

JBL - The Viper will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1)
The Yudi nails The Viper with a belly-to-back suplex.
The Yudi is up again.
The Viper is back on his feet.
The Viper uses a snap mare takeover on The Yudi.

Johny Evans - The Yudi takes a snap mare.

The Viper measures The Yudi up and drops a closed fist.

JBL - fist drop!

[The Viper stands up.
The Yudi stands up.
They head back into the ring.
The Yudi tackles The Viper.
The Yudi climbs to his feet.
The Yudi stomps The Viper.
The Yudi kicks The Viper on the mat.
The Yudi stomps The Viper.
The Viper gets hit with the shooting star press from The Yudi.
Scott Armstrong counts.
The Viper kicks out.

Johny Evans - The Yudi should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[The Viper climbs to his feet.
The Yudi gets sent into the turnbuckle while The Viper hits him with a splash.
The Viper picks The Yudi up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
The Viper sends The Yudi to ringside.
Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1)
The Viper throws a chair at The Yudi.
The Yudi gets up.
The Yudi applies the clawhold on The Viper.
The Yudi hits The Viper with the back of his elbow.
The Yudi hiptosses The Viper.
The Yudi gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
The Yudi is up again.
The Viper short lariats The Yudi.
The Viper and The Yudi move back into the ring.
The Viper puts The Yudi in an arm grapevine submission.
The Viper fist drops The Yudi on the mat.
The Viper is back on his feet.
The Viperhits a F5 on The Yudi.
The Viper covers The Yudi hooking the leg.
Scott Armstrong counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Johny Evans - We've got ourselves a winner!

Johny Evans - The winner of this match, The Viper!!!

Commercial Break

The Undertaker vs. Dragon Master (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Johny Evans - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 299 pounds, from Death Valley, CAL, The Undertaker!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[The Bells ring as the Undertaker appears from backstage and makes his way down to the ring

Johny Evans - and his opponent, weighing in at 280 pounds, from Dragon Land, Dragon Master!!! (crowd boos ****)

[From the land of Dragon here comes dragon master!!!!
Dragon Master gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Undertaker.
The Undertaker gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Dragon Master.
(ring, ring, ring) The Undertaker with a headbutt on Dragon Master.
The Undertaker hits a kneeling headbutt to Dragon Master's groin.

JBL - The Undertaker with a kneeling headbutt.

[Dragon Master rakes the face of The Undertaker in attempt to make a come back.
Dragon Master knifehand chops The Undertaker.
Dragon Master gets elbowed to his midsection by Dragon Master.
Dragon Master executes the jumping sidekick on The Undertaker.
Dragon Master hits The Undertaker with an elbowdrop.
Dragon Master stands up.
Dragon Master fist drops The Undertaker on the mat.
Dragon Master is back on his feet.
Dragon Master covers The Undertaker hooking the leg.
Scott Armstrong counts the pin.
The Undertaker escapes.
The Undertaker gets up.
The Undertaker picks Dragon Master up and side slams him to the mat.

JBL - If The Undertaker keeps using moves like that side slam he could win the match!

[The Undertaker moves back to his feet.
Dragon Master gets knock to the ground while The Undertaker locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission.
Referee Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out.
... Dragon Master trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Dragon Master escapes.

Johny Evans - The Undertaker's momma would be proud!

[Dragon Master climbs to his feet.
The Undertaker gets hit with a dragon scerw from Dragon Master.
Dragon Master climbs to his feet.
The Undertaker moves back to his feet.
The Undertaker rakes the face of Dragon Master in attempt to make a come back.

JBL - face rake!

[Dragon Master get nailed with a double axhandle chop from The Undertaker.
Dragon Master chops The Undertaker.
Dragon Master is hit with a backward kick.
Dragon Master is back on his feet.
Dragon Master picks The Undertaker up and executes a stomachbreaker.
Dragon Master sucks chants start in the crowd.

JBL - Dragon Master is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Dragon Master rolls onto The Undertaker connecting with a knee.
Dragon Master applies an arm wrench to The Undertaker.

Johny Evans - Dragon Master executes a arm wrench.

[Dragon Master measures The Undertaker up and drops a closed fist.
Dragon Master gets back to his feet.
Dragon Master hits The Undertaker with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Dragon Master stands up.
The Undertaker is back on his feet.
The Undertaker picks up Dragon Master and drops him neck first on the ropes.

JBL - That hotshot was very good.

[The Undertaker drags Dragon Master to the floor.
Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1)
The Undertaker swings a Steel chair and hits Dragon Master.
Dragon Master is bleeding as a result.

Johny Evans - The Undertaker's momma would be proud!

The Undertaker fist drops Dragon Master on the floor.
The Undertaker gets up.
The Undertaker puts Dragon Master in an arm grapevine submission.
Dragon Master stands up.
Dragon Master short lariats The Undertaker.
Dragon Master takes The Undertaker into the ring.
Dragon Master rolls onto The Undertaker connecting with a knee.
The Undertaker is back on his feet.
Dragon Master nails The Undertaker with a belly-to-back suplex.
Dragon Master gets back to his feet.
The Undertaker climbs to his feet.
Dragon Master hits The Undertaker with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Dragon Master moves back to his feet.

JBL - Dragon Master's momma would be proud!

[Dragon Master applies an arm wrench to The Undertaker.
Dragon Master measures The Undertaker up and drops a closed fist.
Dragon Master gets up.
Dragon Master goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
The Undertaker escapes.
The Undertaker stands up.
The Undertaker gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Dragon Master executes a headlock takedown.
The Undertaker is back on his feet.
The Undertaker trys for a fisherman buster but Dragon Master avoids it.

JBL - This is how wrestling should be! Is this a great match or not?

Johny Evans - Yeah, you know it.

[Dragon Master picks up The Undertaker and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
The Undertaker climbs to his feet.

Johny Evans - Did you see that last move?

(*E - Oh yeah!

[Dragon Master springboard DDT's The Undertaker onto the mat!
Dragon Master leg drops the throat of The Undertaker.
Dragon Master hits The Undertaker with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Dragon Master climbs to his feet.
Dragon Master rolls onto The Undertaker connecting with a knee.
Dragon Master sucks chants start in the crowd.
The Undertaker gets up.
Dragon Master gives The Undertaker the dragon bomb onto the mat.
makes the cover with a reverse cradle.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Johny Evans - We've got ourselves a winner!

Johny Evans - The winner of this match, Dragon Master!!!

Main Event- bcvstheworld vs. The Viper vs. Marley (TWE World Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

bcvstheworld vs. The Viper vs. Marley (TWE World Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

Johny Evans - This match is a Standard Match for the TWE World Championship title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 267 pounds, from the other world, bcvstheworld!!!

[The lights went off for few seconds and when it comes back a tall man is standing in the ring

Johny Evans - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Miami, The Viper!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[The Viper walks to the ring. ]

Johny Evans - And third, weighing in at 320 pounds, from West Mid Land, Marley!!!

The Viper gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from bcvstheworld.
Marley gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Viper.
Marley executes a pumphandle suplex on bcvstheworld.
(ding, ding, ding) The Viper gets hit with a dragon scerw from bcvstheworld.
bcvstheworld stands up.
The Viper hits bcvstheworld with a baba chop.

Johny Evans - The Viper executes a baba chop.

[The Viper gets thrown into the turnbuckle. bcvstheworld comes over and smashes The Viper's head into it.
The Viper hits a spinning leg lariat on bcvstheworld sending him to the mat.
bcvstheworld gets back to his feet.
bcvstheworld knifehand chops The Viper.
bcvstheworld chops The Viper.
The Viper gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
The Viper is up again.
The Viper body slams bcvstheworld.
The Viper chants start.
The Viper puts bcvstheworld in an arm grapevine submission.
The Viper measures bcvstheworld up and drops a closed fist.
Now The Viper standing.
The Viper puts bcvstheworld in an arm grapevine submission.
The Viper measures bcvstheworld up and drops a closed fist.
The Viper is up again.
The Viper puts bcvstheworld in an arm grapevine submission.
bcvstheworld gets back to his feet.
The Viper gets sent into the turnbuckle while bcvstheworld hits him with a splash.
bcvstheworld and The Viper go to the floor

Johny Evans - The Viper is much safer at ringside. bcvstheworld can't get a pin there.

[Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1)
bcvstheworld dropkicks The Viper to the knee.
Now bcvstheworld standing.
bcvstheworld swings a Steel chair and hits The Viper.
The Viper is bleeding as a result.
bcvstheworld hits The Viper with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
bcvstheworld is up again.
bcvstheworld knees The Viper and rolls back to his feet.
The Viper is back on his feet.
The Viper takes bcvstheworld into the ring.
The Viper executes a swinging bulldog on bcvstheworld driving bcvstheworld's face into the mat.
The Viper climbs to his feet.
bcvstheworld gets up.
bcvstheworld hits The Viper with the back of his elbow.
bcvstheworld executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Viper.
bcvstheworld hits The Viper with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
bcvstheworld is back on his feet.
bcvstheworld fist drops The Viper on the mat.

Johny Evans - bcvstheworld with a fist drop.

[bcvstheworld knees The Viper and rolls back to his feet.
The Viper is up again.
The Viper goes for a crotch slam but bcvstheworld dodges the attack.
The Viper grabs bcvstheworld's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... bcvstheworld trys to escape. ... bcvstheworld is fighting the hold. ... The Viper breaks the hold.
The Viper executes the jumping sidekick on bcvstheworld.
Now bcvstheworld standing.
The Viper gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
The Viper climbs to his feet.
The Viper takes bcvstheworld off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
The Viper covers bcvstheworld hooking the leg.
Scott Armstrong counts.
...1 ...2
bcvstheworld kicks out.

JBL - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like bcvstheworld.

[bcvstheworld stands up.
bcvstheworld short lariats The Viper.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
The Viper bites bcvstheworld's arm out of desparation.
The Viper uses a closed fist on bcvstheworld.

JBL - bcvstheworld takes a punch.

[The Viper gets thrown into the turnbuckle. bcvstheworld comes over and smashes The Viper's head into it.
The Viper nails bcvstheworld with a belly-to-back suplex.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
bcvstheworld executes a split legged moonsault on to The Viper.
bcvstheworld grabs The Viper and applies an arm wrench.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
The Viper bites bcvstheworld's arm out of desparation.
The Viper executes the jumping sidekick on bcvstheworld.

JBL - The Viper executes a jumping sidekick.

[bcvstheworld uses a closed fist on The Viper.
bcvstheworld chops The Viper.
The Viper gets hit with a dragon scerw from bcvstheworld.
bcvstheworld is up again.
bcvstheworld hits The Viper with an elbowdrop.
bcvstheworld gets up.
bcvstheworld grabs The Viper and applies an arm wrench.

Johny Evans - The Viper takes a arm wrench.

[The Viper stands up.
bcvstheworld executes the jumping sidekick on The Viper.
bcvstheworld covers The Viper.
Scott Armstrong counts the pin.
The Viper escapes.

JBL - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[The Viper moves back to his feet.
Spinning neck-breaker from The Viper takes bcvstheworld down.
The Viper fist drops bcvstheworld on the mat.
bcvstheworld climbs to his feet.
bcvstheworld knifehand chops The Viper.
bcvstheworld nails The Viper with a belly-to-back suplex.
bcvstheworld moves back to his feet.
Now The Viper standing.
The Viper uses a lariat on bcvstheworld.
Now bcvstheworld standing.
bcvstheworld rakes the face of The Viper in attempt to make a come back.
bcvstheworld hits a spinning leg lariat on The Viper sending him to the mat.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
bcvstheworld executes a headlock takedown.
The Viper is up again.
bcvstheworld gives The Viper a reverse neckbreaker.
bcvstheworld stands up.
bcvstheworld rolls onto The Viper connecting with a knee.
Marley goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but bcvstheworld dodges the attack.
Marley with an Aztecan suplex on bcvstheworld sends him to the mat.
bcvstheworld is up again.
bcvstheworld connects with a flying knee. Marley goes down.
bcvstheworld measures Marley up and drops a closed fist.

Johny Evans - Marley takes a fist drop.

[Now bcvstheworld standing.
bcvstheworld knees Marley and rolls back to his feet.
bcvstheworld covers Marley hooking the leg.
The ref starts the count.
The Viper kicks bcvstheworld off of Marley.
Marley picks up bcvstheworld and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Marley is back on his feet.

JBL - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Marley measures bcvstheworld up and drops a closed fist.
Marley is back on his feet.
bcvstheworld gets back to his feet.
bcvstheworld executes a swinging bulldog on Marley driving Marley's face into the mat.
bcvstheworld is up again.
bcvstheworld hits Marley with an elbowdrop.
bcvstheworld gets back to his feet.
bcvstheworld fist drops Marley on the mat.
bcvstheworld is up again.
Marley gets back to his feet.
Marley is nailed with a waistlock suplex from The Viper.
The Viper chants start.
bcvstheworld goes for a leg drop but Marley dodges the attack.
Marley gets back to his feet.
bcvstheworld puts the chicken wing on Marley.
Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out.
... ... Marley trys to escape. ... Marley escapes.
bcvstheworld short lariats Marley.
Marley gets up.
Marley uses a snap mare takeover on bcvstheworld.
bcvstheworld gets back to his feet.
bcvstheworld uses a closed fist on Marley.
Marley nails bcvstheworld with a belly-to-back suplex.
Marley knees bcvstheworld and rolls back to his feet.
bcvstheworld climbs to his feet.
Marley slaps bcvstheworld.
bcvstheworld takes Marley down with a knee.
Marley gets up.
bcvstheworld chops Marley.
bcvstheworld gives Marley a reverse neckbreaker.
bcvstheworld climbs to his feet.
Marley climbs to his feet.
The Viper uses a swinging DDT to plant Marley's head into the mat.
The Viper moves back to his feet.
Kneelock submission applied by The Viper.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... ... The Viper breaks the hold.
The Viper puts Marley in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Marley standing.
Marley hits The Viper with the back of his elbow.
The Viper tackles Marley and pummels his head.
Marley gets back to his feet.
Marley hits The Viper with a heart punch.
Marley executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Viper.

JBL - Marley with a corkscrew legdrop.

[Marley gets back to his feet.
The Viper gets up.
Marley kicks The Viper in the head.
The Viper stands up.
The Viper with a jumping DDT on Marley.
The Viper chants start.
The Viper stands up.
The Viper goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
Marley escapes.
Marley stands up.
Kneelock submission applied by The Viper.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... Marley is fighting the hold. The Viper breaks the hold.
The Viper hits Marley with a baba chop.
The Viper grabs Marley's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.
The Viper chants start.
Now The Viper standing.
The Viper chokes Marley.
The Viper measures Marley up and drops a closed fist.
The Viper is up again.
The Viperhits a F5 on Marley.
The Viper covers Marley.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Johny Evans - The winner of this match, and new TWE World Championship champion, The Viper!!!

JBL - Next episode it will be Zoraxis Nostradamus vs Marley in a Steel Cage match

As Viper was celebrating his win...the lights went off and when it came back all the three superstars were lying.

Johny Evans-Who was the attacker?

JBL- We shall find out about this in the next episode of TWE.
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Marley's gonna feel a world of hurt when I get him in the steel cage...

Will Zoraxena be making her debut soon? And Zoraxis and Zoraxena want to go for the tag team titles.
Marley's gonna feel a world of hurt when I get him in the steel cage...

Will Zoraxena be making her debut soon? And Zoraxis and Zoraxena want to go for the tag team titles.

In this month's ppv Zoraxis and Zoraxena will face Dragon Master and Unknown Partner for TWE Tag Titles.
Other than signing stars like Chris Jericho , The Undertaker, Batista TWE also signed the likes of 'World Largest Athlete' as well as 'World Strongest Man', Big Show and Mark Henry respectively. They also signed superstars like Triple H from WWE. TWE signed contracts with Umaga and Big Daddy V who was recently released from their WWE contracts.

From TNA they signed Sting.
Wow!! Great to win the TWE title on my first day. Oh its gonna be tough to fight against Batista, and Funky if you sign Randy Orton, I would love to be his Tag Team partner.

Can't wait for the next episode to see you disturbed my celebrations.
It wasn't like i pinned you with a schoolboy.
I hit the "what in the world???" and you had to be carried out on a stretcher.

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