TES 5: Skyrim

I am sure there was thread on this :p

Hope it works on my computer as I don't like playing RPG games on Console. Tried playing Oblivion on PS3 early this year and did not enjoy it little bit.
Might get it myself for PC since I finally have a computer that'll be good enough to play a game of high specs.
So do we have recommended specs yet? I very much doubt if I'll be able to run it on high with my current system, but do you think I might get away with medium? Either way, a new GPU is definitely in the offing - this monitor is getting worse: the flickering is going on for longer now after start up - I'm sure a time will come sooner rather than later when it keeps flickering indefinitely.

I can't decide whether to jump on Skyrim straight away, or wait a bit for the inevitable bugs to be squished, maybe picking it up cut price in one of Steam's sales.


I am sure there was thread on this :p

Hope it works on my computer as I don't like playing RPG games on Console. Tried playing Oblivion on PS3 early this year and did not enjoy it little bit.

And you can't get any mods on console either - many people still play Oblivion even now because of them. :)
o do we have recommended specs yet?

Skyrim system requirements - Skyrim Portal

Recommended System RequirementsWindows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
4GB System RAM
6GB free HDD space
DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM (Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon 4890 or higher).
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet access for Steam activation
GPU's definitely the weak link for me then, but I reckon it'll probably be like when I first played Oblivion - I had to turn a lot of stuff down, but it still looked pretty nice.
Steve you can definitely get away with medium settings. If you remember our systems are almost same except the GPU. I have a 4870 instead of 4850 whereas you got a quad core instead of dual core. I'm able to play at Ultra settings with AntiAliasing at 2 and Anisotropic filtering at 4. Resolution is 1680 X 1050. :thumbs
I think the lead platform of this game is 360 so the game should run fine. Mine died a few day back but I borrowed one from my nephew :D. I can't wait to play this although I did not play oblivion.
Graphically it looks just slightly better than a modded Oblivion. But then again, we'll soon get HD texture mods for this and then it would look even more awesome.
Lead platform is PC, followed closely by 360.
Freakin' have to wait coz ozgamshop ran out of stock! I knew I shoulda preordered earlier...

Need to save the 20 bucks!
I think the lead platform of this game is 360 so the game should run fine. Mine died a few day back but I borrowed one from my nephew :D. I can't wait to play this although I did not play oblivion.

I hope not.

Graphically it looks just slightly better than a modded Oblivion. But then again, we'll soon get HD texture mods for this and then it would look even more awesome.

Fine, vanilla will do for now, then when I upgrade, hello extra eye-candy. :D Bethseda seem to have actually figured out people now, so they don't all look like they hit every single branch of the Ugly tree after falling out of it!

Lead platform is PC, followed closely by 360.
Freakin' have to wait coz ozgamshop ran out of stock! I knew I shoulda preordered earlier...

Need to save the 20 bucks!

I hope so - that way we won't have these console enforced restrictions.

Quest added: Go to GAME and purchase Skyrim. :D

Click on 'fast travel'. :D
dunno what this is but I was at Wal Mart last night around 11:30pm buying fishing gear for a trip this morning and the nerds were everywhere waiting for midnight release. They looked like giggly schoolgirls with huge smiles plastered on their faces. Must be a big game
It's not as big as the CoD but the fan base is more excited than the fanbase is extremely dedicated.

I'm a a member of the forums and the lead platform is defo PC.
dunno what this is but I was at Wal Mart last night around 11:30pm buying fishing gear for a trip this morning and the nerds were everywhere waiting for midnight release. They looked like giggly schoolgirls with huge smiles plastered on their faces. Must be a big game

Pretty huge, yep. It's the long awaited next game in the Elder Scrolls series after Oblivion, which came out a good five or six years ago (something like that). Sad to queue up at midnight for a game though - there isn't one game I'd do that for, not even Elite IV (which I think's vapourware) - the last game in that series was released over fifteen years ago!

I have heard that the combat in Skyrim is similar to Oblivion - I am very disappointed that they didn't go down the Dark Messiah route of combat as anyone who's played that game might agree, but having said that Skyrim still looks like an amazing game.
Game is freaking huge. :eek: I'm already 3 hours in the game but have completed just one main quest. I'm doing a lot of side quests and I'm surprised they are not usual boring stuff like other RPG have. They have some interesting story too.

@Steve, the Engine looks pretty similar to what they used in Fallout 3. So if your pc can run Fallout 3 then this should be a piece of cake too. The atmosphere and design of the levels is absolutely startling. You would never feel a place as if it has been copy pasted from some other part you ahve already visited.

P.S: I love the personal chick servent that i got from a king for completing his quest. She's basically acts as a extra carry bag for Equipment and as an bait in the fights :p
I wonder if i can shag her sometime :spy

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