The Alliance

Which pitch should we dish out to the visitors at the Alliance Dome?

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Good work, Akshay. It looks really nice.

The sponsors of our team are mentioned in Akshay's banner. There are lot of them. :p


@Sartaj: Do let me know what you think about my post regarding the point allocation on the last page.
@Fenil: Bevab bats at #6 and in 35 over games,teams don't lose more than 4 wickets on an average,so his batting becomes secondary and would rather work on his bowling.

As for your bowling,it's coming good ATM,so the concentration is on getting your batting skill to 10 points before the mid-season break.

If my bowling boost pays dividents,we can boost Puneeth/Danny's bowling as well to around 8-10.

Let's see if there's a marked improvement.
IDC about the order as long as the top three slots are occupied by our 3 best rated batsmen (Tendo > Hamza > Fenil)
Before we get Bevab from 4-4 to 5-5,we need to get the bowling of Puneeth plus one of Danny/Linus/Farhan to 8.
You'll be drafted in the team as per team's convenience and looking at the team's balance.

hey mate i am the captain so captain can change his position any time and i was a manager of this team too


if akshay create a new site then i will remove mine
welcome back soumit :cheers
Sartaj, I think we should go with the points.

So, I confirm it, 2 points each to Hamza's batting and Sartaj's bowling.
thanks for giving me the points
Cheers, mate. Try to jell-up in the line-up according to the team's balance rather than your demands.

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