Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

It is easier to bowl hence easier to get wickets if you are an off-spinner. But I am talking about club level here, where we are not master's of either art.

At international level, most leg spinners (not part timers) are really accurate and pick up most of their wickets from clever variations. As an off-spinner you don't have as many variations, hence harder to pick up wickets. But in terms of keeping it tight, off spinners always win.

At club level however you will find it hard to find a leg spinner that dominates. They might only be used because they are different. Most leg spinners, even when accurate get played really easily. Also off spinners get more bounce, against not that good batsmen you find the leading edge a lot.

So in the end I agree with Zorax/Blake for international level, but with Seoken for club level (which is kinda what this discussion is about). Off-spinners are better all-round.
It doesn't matter what it being bowled Off spin, leg spin, pace, cutters anything any good bowler always bowls tight.

Only if they are at their best. If not there are distinct differences.

And no bowler is always at their best. It is also rare to find any good bowler at club level.
Mate i see that you live in brisbane, so next time your in Southport on the Gold coast i think my dad will teach you a thing or two about what real spin is.
lol..this thread is going a long way from what it was originally meant for,all thanks to our legendary batsman here who thinks offies are retarded or unsuccessfull might look easy but my suggestion to mr.perfect here is go ahead and try bowling some for sure you will get to know how hard it is for a newbie offie to get it in the right place without being smashed.
Mate did i say i was a ledgenday batsman? No, but i don't get out to offies, i see them to easily. And on the newbie offie thing any bowler who can't land the ball on a good line and length will get carted everywhere not just offspinners.

I'm shaking in my boots.

Mate i don't disbeleive that, i mean i face it twice a week and he can still get me with a good ball. I'd hate to have to face him in a match i would just know it was only time until i got out.
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I'm pretty sure you'd expect an international-standard spinner to be able to dismiss a 15 year old more often than not.

That's nothing special, bro.
I have a few problems with off-spin being classed as an art.

1. We (leg-spinners) had Warne, you had Murali who chucks it whenever he wants a wicket.

2. Off-Spin is mainly bowled by batsmen who are forced to bowl at us tail-enders after they've batted during a nets session.

I know that there is a leg-spin art thread, but leg-spin is a dying breed, off-spin isn't
Yes i agree with you completely mate, i don't know how anybody could class Murali as an off-spinner he's a chucker.

And mate i said he gets me occasionally, not consistently. Another thing i don't think you could get me out in a match or a net session when i'm on my game.

Yeah but on another hand my dad would rather hit golf balls 300+ meters and sink puts. But if you want to come down he will teach you to be an idiot about spin bowling.

And i was able to bowl a wrong-un at one stage that could turn further then any off-spinner i've ever seen.
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