The Aussie selectors should be the one's to go!

Damp Pitch

Club Cricketer
Mar 24, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Fancy dumping Steve Waugh!!!!
The most successfull Oz Cpt. of the modern era.
Look at what he has done since being Cpt.

Just because there is a bit of a slump.
The first real slump since his Captaincy.

Sure he's 36 years old or what ever,
But he deservers a chance at the next World Cup
no matter what!. He won the last world cup with
his brilliant rescue.

Shame on you Allan Border an all you fellow selectors :(
here here...... well said
how stoopid was that decision?? gees they're dumb. they only missed out on the finals by one point, and if not for the bonus point, would have finished on top of the 3 team table!! no joke. if they made the finals by one point and still lost the final's, there's no doubt Steve Waugh wouldnt have been sacked. its rediculous!!!
i think they're forcing waugh to retire, like what they did to taylor & healy
i think mark waugh deserve this what steve received... really a big shock... i don't know what was the reason behind it may be D.Lehmann inclusion....
anyway a bad decision
He will be back, he's a fighter.

I rekon we all should be sending dirty e-mails to the board of selecters, giving them a hard time. Fancy saying "more heads will roll" What a bloody joke!! Steve Waugh would almost fit into any current 1 day team going around at the moment.

Anyway, cheer's to all the Steve Waugh fan's out there.
Firstly guys.....I aint an aussie......secondly I have great admiration for Steve Waugh......However I definetly see the reason for the selectors dropping him. If we look at the average age of the usuall aussie ODI XI there's too many 30 somethings . I think they are trying to avoid what happened to the Windies....and the #### that they're going thru now...But having said that they have a very good domestic competition in OZ so young players shouldn't be much of a prob when the older guys do retire. Dunno what else to say really but Steve is a fighter and I expect to see him lead out the side come WC2003.
I think they wanna change there 1 day team outlook with the worldcup coming up maybe they wanna younger cpt in there like bevan or ponting, still a shocker all the same as steve is one of the best.

B ???

Edited By Baggy1971 on Feb. 16 2002 at 10:46

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