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Club Cricketer
Apr 11, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
Since its 28days 20hrs and 12 min to go before the World Cup (not that im counting
) Id thought this thread needs one.

Who r you going for and how will they go?



Hope the Green and Gold Army floods Germany:D:D

I hope we stick it up em! Being definetly not a soccer nation itl be fantastic if we do well.
The Czech Republic are my darkhorse for the tournament. I hope the Aussies do well, but it will be hard to get past Brazil in our group. I'm expecting England, Spain, Italy and France to be right up there along with Argentina come the knockout stages.
its the first two that go thorugh

I think we can steal a draw against brazil - a early goal when they are not settled, a star player is injured or someone gets a red card. Who knows what could happen. I also think we will beat Japan and Coatia

I have this framed pic commerating when we qualified called 'Path to Glory' up on the wall. Its a double edge sword atmo as it gets me excied for the WC but sad & ticked off at the same time 'cause its got the pic of Viddie jumping on top of the huddle the boys made when we won the penalty shootout :(

The more i think about viddie the more :mad i get. I know how cruel sport can be but this takes the cake :noway
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Guys I'm doing the Countdown in my Signature too :).
I just cant wait for it to start... so many good players and teams and such action cant wait...
It will be fantastic!I of course will be following the Aussies,but i definetely will be keeping an eye on Henry and Pires.If Aus gets knocked out i'm not sure who'll i'll follow.Last time i went for Brazil the whole way,but now.........maybe france!
Wow 28 days. So close!

I'll be going for the Aussies and Brazil!

Would be a miracle if Australia can get to the round of...
I have this gut feeling that France might b able to pull this one off. And my pick for the dark horse would be either Serbia and Montenegro or Ukraine. One of them might do a Turkey or a Croatia this time around.
I'll be supporting Aus and England (nice mix, eh?), although Schwarzer's current form/condition isn't particularly encouraging...
Can't wait. Go Australia! I think Brazil will win. (unfortuantely) And unfortuanely Italy will do alright, unfortuanely they choke. I think Chezch Republic is a dark hore, take Euro 2004 for example.
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