The Mehkar's and Virender's Mega patch!

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Sorry, but why would anyone want to download a patch of that size with only a small amount of additional work? Probably cut out a few things to reduce the size.
Im not trying to upload 118 Mb Im uploading just 2 to 4 mb
Why don't you host a file sharing server from your pc using easy file sharing or www file sharing software or ftp softwares.may be the download will be slow but u can put the file in your pc and host it easily.
It says Error the requested url doesnot found
mehkar said:
Ohhhhh Spin please dont ask question like "why is it called the Mekhar and Virender Mega Patch? again
We R Friend and He is helping me for doing work

Grief, I was just asking...
Turn off ur firewall. and open the port.
or put the file in a new archieve through winrar. then upload it. rename it. u can do lots of things. it gave me error once too but now it works fine. disable ur firewalls. or open a new port. thaz tha best way.
btw, do u have screenshots of it??/
mehkar said:
Which screen shot do u need
Of anything! The patch maybe? Which I doubt exists (sorry to be brutally honest) Or maybe the steps (that apparently arent working) that you are taking to upload this file.
Please prove me wrong about this patch not existing. Post some screenshots so some of us can help you get this file on the net.
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