The Planet Cricket Quidditch Cup - Chapter 2:Slytherin, Who will lead us? - 07/02/2010

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Quidditch is a fictional sport developed by J. K. Rowling for the Harry Potter book series. It is described as an extremely rough but very popular semi-contact sport played by wizards and witches around the world. Matches are played between two teams of seven players riding flying broomsticks, using four balls and six elevated ring-shaped goals. In the Harry Potter universe, Quidditch holds a fervent following similar to football (soccer) as a globally popular sport.

The game is featured in every Harry Potter book except for the seventh, as Harry plays an important position for his house team at Hogwarts. Regional and international competitions are mentioned in the series. (In Goblet of Fire, Quidditch is canceled for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, but Harry and the Weasleys attend the Quidditch World Cup; in Deathly Hallows Harry is too busy fighting for his life to play Quidditch.) In addition, Harry uses his Quidditch skills to capture a golden egg from a dragon, capture a flying key in Philosopher's Stone, and on two key occasions in Deathly Hallows—getting hold of Ravenclaw's Diadem, and during the final fight with Voldemort—the "unerring skill of the Seeker" is vitally useful to him in snatching an object out of the air.

The love for Harry potter and Quidditch is at it peak at the moment so I am come up with a new and innovative story which is named as PC Quidditch Cup where PC members will play this extreme,ancient and magical sport.

Before starting this story formally it will be good to introduce you all with PC Quidditch Cup format and rules.


As usual there will be four teams which will be based on Hogwarts houses as,
  • Gryffindor
  • Ravenclaw
  • Hufflepuff
  • Slytherin

Each team will have 7 players and their formation will be,

  • Keeper
  • Centre Chaser
  • Outside Chaser
  • Outside Chaser
  • Blind Side Beater
  • Open Side Beater
  • Seeker

Game rules::
The official rules of Quidditch are partially described in Quidditch Through the Ages. They are said to have been laid down in 1750 by the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Some of the more common rules are as follows:

  • Players must not stray over the boundary lines of the pitch, although they may fly as high as desired. The Quaffle must be surrendered to the opposition if any player leaves the boundary. Quidditch matches in the Harry Potter films, however, show players often deliberately flying over the boundary lines and even around the spectator towers. This is possibly because these are just school matches and thus are not as strict regarding the rules.
  • Time out may be called at any time by a team Captain. It may be extended to two hours if a game has already lasted for more than twelve hours. Failure to return to the pitch afterward disqualifies the offending team.
  • The referee can impose penalties if a foul occurs. A single Chaser from the fouled team takes a penalty shot by flying from the central circle towards the scoring area. The opposing team's Keeper may attempt to block this shot, but no other player may interfere.
  • Contact is allowed, but a player may not grasp another's broomstick or any part of his or her body. (Draco Malfoy breaks this rule in Prisoner of Azkaban by grabbing Harry's broomtail to stop him from seizing the Snitch.)
  • No substitution of a player is allowed, even if one is too badly hurt to continue (rare exceptions may be made when the game continues for a great length of time, and players become too fatigued to continue).
  • Players may take their wands onto the pitch, but they must not be used on or against any players, any players' broomsticks, the referee, any of the four balls, or the spectators. (The right to carry wands at all times was granted during the height of wizard and witch persecution by Muggles, according to Quidditch Through the Ages).

Rowling writes that there are 700 Quidditch fouls listed in the Department of Magical Games and Sports records, but most of these fouls are not open to the public, owing to the Department's supposed fear the wizards/witches who read the list of fouls "might get ideas". It is claimed that all 700 occurred during the very first Quidditch World Cup. Apparently, most are now impossible to commit as there is a ban on using wands against an opponent (imposed in 1538). The most common of those fouls which are described are enumerated below:
  • Blagging: No player may seize any part of an opponent's broom to slow or hinder the player. (Draco Malfoy commits this foul in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, thus preventing Harry from seizing the Snitch.)
  • Blatching: No player may fly with the intent to collide. (Substitute Slytherin seeker Harper breaks this rule when he collides into Harry after insulting the latter's friend and Gryffindor Keeper Ronald Weasley. This occurs in the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.)
  • Blurting: No player may lock broom handles with the intent to steer an opponent off course.
  • Bumphing: Beaters must not hit Bludgers towards spectators (although Harry jokingly orders one of his Beaters to send one at Zacharias Smith in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), or the Keeper, unless the Quaffle is within the scoring area. (In the first film, however, Marcus Flint, a Chaser, commits this foul with a Beater's bat, and Madam Hooch penalises him for it.)
  • Cobbing: Players must not make excessive use of their elbows against opponents. Marcus Flint, the Slytherin Chaser, commits this foul against the Gryffindor Chaser, Angelina Johnson, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • Flacking: Keepers must not defend the posts from behind by punching Quaffles out of the hoops – goals must be defended from the front.
  • Haversacking: Chasers must not still be in contact with the Quaffle as it passes through a hoop (the Quaffle must be thrown through).
  • Quaffle-pocking: Chasers must not tamper with the Quaffle in any way.
  • Snitchnip: No player other than the Seeker may touch or catch the Golden Snitch.
  • Stooging: No more than one Chaser is allowed in the scoring area at any one time. (Game play in Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup and the fan-made Q3D permit this behaviour.)

Players Selection::
All PC member can participate in this league all places will be filled on first come first served basis how ever a vcash donation can make a good prize money of this story based Cup.

will be selected by random number method,as for me it is the fairest way.


OffCutters |Keeper |0
N/A |Centre Chaser |0
Hmarka |Outside Chaser |0
Covvy |Outside Chaser |0
Meghraj_t |Blind Side Beater |0
Yudi |Open Side Beater |0
shantanu_rooney |Seeker |0

Gryffindor Players Profiles​

Real Name: Shantanu Ambekar
Team: Griffindor
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Nah
Vcash(if any): 5,000 max
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 3

Real Name: Gajan T
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Centre Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Yeah
Vcash(if any): 100 000
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 4 

Real Name: Charles Burns
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Outside Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 99
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any): sorry im broke
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 0

Real Name: Troy Lerana
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Keeper
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter:No
Vcash(if any): Broke as ████
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 5

Real Name: Covvy Hilfenhaus (obviously fake)
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Outside Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 80
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any): not really
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages):Swiftstick
Shirt number(0-6): 1

Real Name: Meghraj
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Blind Side Beater
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 90
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your character: NO
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages):Shooting Star
Shirt number(0-6): 2

Real Name: Abhishek Sharma
Team:: Gryffindor
Position: Open Side Beater
Activity at PC: 110
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your character: Not sure, but can try. No for now
Vcash(if any): Do you want some? If yes, then I can give.
Broomstick name: Shooting Star
Shirt number(0-6): 6.


The Spin |Keeper |0
Highlander999 |Centre Chaser |0
N/A |Outside Chaser |0
N/A |Outside Chaser |0
N/A |Blind Side Beater |0
Funknath |Open Side Beater |0
blake |Seeker |0

Ravenclaw Players Profiles​

[B][CENTER][U]The Spin[/U][/CENTER][/B]
Real Name: Chez Spin
Team: Ravenclaw
Position: Keeper
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): Huh?
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: If needed, in a limited role, yes
Vcash(if any): Some, tied up
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 1

Real Name: Blake Trotter
Team: Ravenclaw
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 3
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Nope
Vcash(if any): 0
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 5

Real Name:Soumyanil Das
Position:Open Side Beater
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100):100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter:nah
Vcash(if any):10k(will donate it today or tomorrow)
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages):Nimbus 1000
Shirt number(0-6):6

Real Name: Tom Baker
Team: Ravenclaw
Position: Centre Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
Vcash(if any): A small amount
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 3


N/A |Keeper |0
Adityacricketer |Centre Chaser |0
N/A |Outside Chaser |0
N/A |Outside Chaser |0
N/A |Blind Side Beater |0
N/A |Open Side Beater |0
Biggy |Seeker |0

Hufflepuff Players Profiles​

Real Name: Biggy Plopper
Team: Hufflepuff
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 110
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
Vcash(if any): I would like 100,000 per match, direct deposit
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 1000
Shirt number(0-6): 1

Real Name: Aditya
Position: Centre Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Yes
Vcash(if any): A small amount
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 6


hedger_14 |Keeper |0
20/20 PRO |Centre Chaser |0
CG123 |Outside Chaser |0
gudduthemaster |Outside Chaser |0
ZoraxDoom |Blind Side Beater |0
BackwardPoint |Open Side Beater |0
HarishanV |Seeker |0

Slytherin Players Profiles​

Real Name: Varun Harishan
Team: Slytherin
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 90
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
Vcash(if any): 0
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt?
Shirt number(0-6): 1

Real Name: Brendon Hedger
Team: Slytherin
Position: Keeper
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any):0
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 0

[U][B][CENTER]20/20 PRO[/CENTER][/B][/U]
Real Name: Jamie Lyons
Team: Slytherin
Position: Centre Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 95
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Yes
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages):Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 4

Real Name: Zoraxis Nostradamus
Team: Anyone, not fussy
Position: Blind Side Beater
Activity at PC: 1
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your character: Nope
vCash: I'll chuck in 100k for myself.
Broomstick name: Oakshaft 79
Shirt number: 3

1. Real Name: Callum Gray
2. Team: Slytherin
3. Position: Outside Chaser
4. Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 75 - 100
If Meghraj is giving himself 90, I guess I'll give myself 100...
5. Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
6. Vcash(if any): Maybe, maybe not...
7. Broomstick name: Nimbus 2000
8. Shirt number(0-6): 5

Real Name: Rahul
Position: Outside Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 85
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any): we see later
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Fire bolt
Shirt number(0-6): 6

Real Name: Graeme Mellor
Team: Slytherin
Position: Outside Beater
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 90
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
Vcash(if any): 2
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt?
Shirt number(0-6): 0

Quidditch Standings(Team Basis)

TEAMS | CAPTAIN | POINTS Gryffindor |N/A |0
Ravenclaw |N/A |0
Hufflepuff |N/A |0
Slytherin |N/A |0

Sign up Form:
  1. Real Name:
  2. Team:
  3. Position:
  4. Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100):
  5. Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter:
  6. Vcash(if any):
  7. Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages):
  8. Shirt number(0-6):

As I was looking that not much of the PC members have Idea about Broomstick names so here our some which I had able yo know so far.

  • Bluebottle
  • Cleansweep One
  • Cleansweep Two
  • Cleansweep Three
  • Cleansweep Five
  • Cleansweep Six
  • Cleansweep Seven
  • Cleansweep Eleven
  • Comet 140
  • Comet 180
  • Comet 260
  • Comet 290
  • Firebolt
  • Moontrimmer
  • Nimbus 1000
  • Nimbus 1001
  • Nimbus 1500
  • Nimbus 1700
  • Nimbus 2000
  • Nimbus 2001
  • Nimbus 2002
  • Nimbus 2003
  • Nimbus 2004
  • Nimbus 2005
  • Nimbus 2006
  • Nimbus 2007
  • Nimbus 2008
  • Nimbus 2009
  • Nimbus 2010
  • Oakshaft 79
  • Shooting Star
  • Silver Arrow
  • Swiftstick
  • Tinderblast
  • Twigger 90

I haven't completely read Quidditch Through the Ages so some of the broomstick names in that book are still unknown to me.If any hardcore J.K Rowling fan Know more then do let me know.

Do not forget to check Broomstick models - Main Features and History

Please It will be so nice of you if you will choose different Broomsticks from Your team partners as it will increase the flavor of story.

Your Vcash Donation is only for the Prize Money of this Cup​

Some text is courtesy of wikipedia
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Oh in excitement I forgot to post sign up form lol:p
Real Name: Shantanu Ambekar
Team: Griffindor
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Nah
Vcash(if any): 5,000 max
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 3
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Real Name: Charles Burns
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Outside Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 99
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any): sorry im broke
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 0
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Real Name: Varun Harishan
Team: Slytherin
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 90
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
Vcash(if any): 0
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt?
Shirt number(0-6): 1
Real Name: Troy Lerana
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Keeper
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter:No
Vcash(if any): Broke as ████
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 5
Real Name: Covvy Hilfenhaus (obviously fake)
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Outside Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 80
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any): not really
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): No idea, if we can make one up then, Tasmanian Terror
Shirt number(0-6): 1
Real Name: Brendon Hedger
Team: Slytherin
Position: Keeper
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 100
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: no
Vcash(if any):0
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 0

hedger_14 added 4 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

What are you using for this.
Real Name: Biggy Plopper
Team: Hufflepuff
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 110
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: No
Vcash(if any): I would like 100,000 per match, direct deposit
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Nimbus 1000
Shirt number(0-6): 1
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Real Name: Blake Trotter
Team: Ravenclaw
Position: Seeker
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 3
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Nope
Vcash(if any): 0
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages): Firebolt
Shirt number(0-6): 5
Sign up Form:
Real Name: Jamie Lyons
Team: Slytherin
Position: Centre Chaser
Activity at PC(rate your self from 0-100): 95
Can you be part of this story as a writer of your chracter: Yes
Broomstick name(must be from Harry potter series or Quidditch Through the Ages):Nimbus 2010
Shirt number(0-6): 4
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