The PlanetCricket League! #End of season Awards

All the vcash awards have been successfully transferred! A whopping $224,000,000 ($224 million) vcash have been given away as awards and salaries! Enjoy and we will be back for the next season, soon. :)
Thanks for the vCash. :)
Thank you everyone from all the teams for a wonderful season. Thank you to all the TPCL management personnel for organizing this so well. Loved playing with my team mates and the opposition were brilliant as well. Feels good to life one trophy and I sincerely apologize to everyone for my lack of activity. My personal life has taken some hit due to some illness in family. God bless you all and looking forward to another season along with my activity.

Thank you to the staff for sending the vCash.
@RUDI @User2010 Will there be a second season of this league or the PCPL in the near future? I wanna know because this seems very interesting and I would love to play next season :)

The Awards

Most Runs (OD)
Ali Bubere (TAM) 459 runs @ 57.38
vcash : $5 mil


Most Runs (FC)
Parth Kadakia (LTS) 678 runs @ 61.64
vcash : $5 mil


Most Wickets (OD)
Nobody (LTS) 12 wkts @ 26.75
vcash : $5 mil


Most Wickets (FC)
Abdul Rafay (SOP) 23 wkts @ 18.78
vcash : $5 mil

@Perfect Square

Player of the League
Shaikaro Umario (SOP) 632 runs @ 45.14, 22 wkts @ 33.45
vcash : $10 mil


OD Champions


vcash : $50 mil


OD Runners-up

vcash : $25 mil


FC Champions

vcash : $50 mil


FC Runners-up

vcash : $25 mil



R 2k17
(LTS) ----------------287 runs @ 41.00 @Rebel2k18
N Thakur (TAM) ------------309 runs @ 38.62 @Naman Thakur
A Bubere (TAM) ------------459 runs @ 57.38 @AliB
B Wolf (LTS) ---------------357 runs @ 44.62 @Bigby Wolf
P Kadakia (wk) (LTS) ----303 runs @ 43.29 @CricketQ20
S Umario (SOP) -----------235 runs @ 78.33, 3 wkts @ 38.67 @Iodide
R Struwig (c) (LTS) ------152 runs @ 30.40, 3 wkts @ 74.67 @RUDI
P Hitter (LTS) --------------10 wkts @ 25.20 @Pinch hitter
M Reddy (TAM) ------------11 wkts @ 25.73 @Manish.
S Das (TAM) ---------------11 wkts @ 20.64 @GlitchInTheMatrix
Nobody (LTS) -------------12 wkts @ 26.75 @ThanksRudolph
zimrahil (IFR) -------------7 wkts @ 18.86 (12th man) @zimrahil

N Thakur
(TAM) -------------579 runs @ 64.33 @Naman Thakur
Y Raj (LTS) ------------------599 runs @ 46.08 @Villain
R 2k17 (LTS) ---------------523 runs @ 40.23 @Rebel2k18
P Kadakia (wk) (LTS) ----678 runs @ 61.64 @CricketQ20
J Napier (SOP) ------------444 runs @ 55.50, 6 wkts @ 67.00 @Vegeta.
S Umario (SOP) ---------- 397 runs @ 36.09, 19 wkts @ 32.63 @Iodide
R Struwig (c) (LTS) ------332 runs @ 30.18, 21 wkts @ 28.19 @RUDI
Y Hirani (SOP) ------------400 runs @ 50.00, 12 wkts @ 46.08 @Yash.
A Rafay (SOP) -------------23 wkts @ 18.78 @Perfect Square
C Lannister (LTS) ---------22 wkts @ 26.91 @FireAndBlood
zimrahil (IFR) -------------21 wkts @ 21.86 @zimrahil
T Hayat (SOP) -----------514 runs @ 42.83 (12th man) @CerealKiller

*Each player in the XIs to receive $1 mil vcash.

That is it for the season, thanks a lot to everyone involved in this! vcash will soon be added to the respective accounts as mentioned above. Team winnings can be distributed among the squad if the captain and team feel like it.​
[HASHTAG]#Lannisters[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#HearmeRoar[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#ALannisteralwayspayhisdebt[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#Best[/HASHTAG]ofthebest
Holy shit ! Just noticed that I was part of the best XIs ...... :eek:

This was a bowler ^ ....



R 2k17
(LTS) ----------------287 runs @ 41.00 @Rebel2k18
N Thakur (TAM) ------------309 runs @ 38.62 @Naman Thakur
A Bubere (TAM) ------------459 runs @ 57.38 @AliB
B Wolf (LTS) ---------------357 runs @ 44.62 @Bigby Wolf
P Kadakia (wk) (LTS) ----303 runs @ 43.29 @CricketQ20
S Umario (SOP) -----------235 runs @ 78.33, 3 wkts @ 38.67 @Iodide
R Struwig (c) (LTS) ------152 runs @ 30.40, 3 wkts @ 74.67 @RUDI
P Hitter (LTS) --------------10 wkts @ 25.20 @Pinch hitter
M Reddy (TAM) ------------11 wkts @ 25.73 @Manish.
S Das (TAM) ---------------11 wkts @ 20.64 @GlitchInTheMatrix
Nobody (LTS) -------------12 wkts @ 26.75 @ThanksRudolph
zimrahil (IFR) -------------7 wkts @ 18.86 (12th man) @zimrahil

N Thakur
(TAM) -------------579 runs @ 64.33 @Naman Thakur
Y Raj (LTS) ------------------599 runs @ 46.08 @Villain
R 2k17 (LTS) ---------------523 runs @ 40.23 @Rebel2k18
P Kadakia (wk) (LTS) ----678 runs @ 61.64 @CricketQ20
J Napier (SOP) ------------444 runs @ 55.50, 6 wkts @ 67.00 @Vegeta.
S Umario (SOP) ---------- 397 runs @ 36.09, 19 wkts @ 32.63 @Iodide
R Struwig (c) (LTS) ------332 runs @ 30.18, 21 wkts @ 28.19 @RUDI
Y Hirani (SOP) ------------400 runs @ 50.00, 12 wkts @ 46.08 @Yash.
A Rafay (SOP) -------------23 wkts @ 18.78 @Perfect Square
C Lannister (LTS) ---------22 wkts @ 26.91 @FireAndBlood
zimrahil (IFR) -------------21 wkts @ 21.86 @zimrahil
T Hayat (SOP) -----------514 runs @ 42.83 (12th man) @CerealKiller

And just again noticed this ^ ..... As a batsman ...

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