That is true, in some respect. Math is pointless if you don't know why you'll ever need it.
As I'm going into Engineering, I'll need advanced maths. Physic majors need advance maths. Maths majors need advanced maths. Architects need advanced trigonometry. And Economics majors need pure maths and/or statistics.
But Medical, Commerce and Art students don't need this at all. And they are frankly wasting their time doing such complex maths. Logic skills and problem solving abilities are helpful in literally every field, but they can be taught in ways relevant to these students, and not necessarily through Calculus and Trigonometry.
So if you are forced to do high level maths when it isn't relevant to what you want to do with your life, or if you have no interest in it, then my only advice is to treat it as a chance to develop your Logical and Problem Solving skills. Treat maths like a series of puzzles to solve, and make it fun. It'll help you in the long run too.