This forum suckks

  • Thread starter dont_ban_thisID
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dont_ban_thisID said:
this forum is full of mindless idiots

Coming from you! You're a good comedian and you don't even know it!

You come on here and expect to be treated in a reasonable manner when you sign up with a ID that suggests you know you're going to do something you shouldn't, then you open threads asking about fake games. You sir, are an idiot.
Some kind of random joke ("dont_ban_thisID")
mate theres sumin wrong with you
this forums great
or maybe he got the wrong sport.

you should see the rest of his posts
wants a "fake cricket game" and has just downloaded "visual basic"

wtf? how can you get a fake cricfket game from visual basic? you can make one, but...
Well I Suggest we all give him bad reps saying ban_thisID. lol we can play games aswell and get him ban by 'mindless idiots' then we'll see who the 'mindless idiot' is!
Or, we could just ignore him and only ban him when he causes real trouble...
dont_ban_thisID said:
this forum is full of mindless idiots

Sir, Can you give us a few examples to prove your point ?
we wont be surprised if you give yourself as an example.
Ste wont you mind banning that ID for me :D.
dont_ban_thisID said:
this forum is full of mindless idiots
so why join this forum and get yourself in that category of idiots ?

These kind of guys are just attention seekers and nothing else and the unfortunate part is that they most probably get the attention which they do not deserve !

If you feel that this forum is full of idiots , just stop posting .
BTW that guy never gave any reasons for this forum to "suck" ,
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