To make test kits for each and every team - PAul i depend on u


Club Cricketer
Sep 3, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
hi there i have an idea why can't we make seperate kits for each test the oneday kits......we can make separate folder for each team and add the to the err1.txt file .......i did it for two teams Nzl and Aus the kit Paul gave me....but it crashes to the desktop,,,, i added everything like we have in the One day kit can anyone help..............i also added everything to the txt file as i did in the folders....can PAUL help

if we could do this the test kits won't be the same for every one and it will be cool too :D
Seperate teams kit is something i do not think can be done, the way i do it is to create kit and manually install it, depending on who is batting, the automatic removal of badges allows for the better design of kit, did you get the kit working at all, by adding it to the whites folder and starting a test match?, manual installation is ok, as long as you have the folders saved to install dependant on who is batting or bowling. try installing the kit in to whites and let me know if it works for you
Yup Paul .......ur Kit and ur Idea is working ...........i have no problem with that.......gezz thankz man

but my question wasn't that.....i mean to say that why can't we have Seperate test kit for each team the odi kits we can make each and ever folder for each team and change the err1.txt file like in the odi kits it may work....IS it possible PAul ???
Instead of manually having to install the kits every time you bat or bowl, what if we persuade Sriram to program an application whereby the correct kit installation can be made by the click of a button. i.e. if NZ were batting, you could install their kit from a 'drop-down' list; same with whoever was bowling and their keeper, then start up your BLC game.(Even better if it could be done without having to save and stop the game, but just by going back to desktop using 'tab' + 'alt' like with Sri's FieldEd ).
We'd have to make seperate folders up for each team's batting, keeper and bowlers.
Sri and Paul, what do you think?
Something similar was made for FIFA 2001 called 'FIFA add - on' by a guy called Alenitchev, where you could add different boots, balls etc each time before you played the game.
Jonah, this is an excellent idea, i would participate in modelling test kit for each nation, is Siriam still about?, not seen his input for a while, i think it could be done, with his programming ability, once the kit is modelled.
yup thats a great IDEA.........i don't think Sriram is around here anymore......maybe he is busy...........lets hope he comes or some one close to him can mail him and tell about this..... :D
yup thats a great IDEA.........i don't think Sriram is around here anymore......maybe he is busy...........lets hope he comes or some one close to him can mail him and tell about this..... :D
I have Sri's e-mail address. If he doesn't post on here over the next couple of days I'll mail him with our suggestions.
Siskue, I have a query for you regarding colours, the test kit i have produced has the cream colour, instead of white, as the kit colour, I am trying to improve the australian badge, this means i must put a gold colour in, however, i am not able to do this, gold comes out as cream, looks very poor, i have tried various tricks, eg. pasting the gold colour to desktop as a "scrap" and importing the cream kit, still no joy. is it impossible to have the gold badge on a cream coloured kit?
no I don't think so , we can make a gold baldge in the KIt coz i have done it before, did u get my MU captain's kit in MISc Section where i used Gold colors try that color, i mean try to cut and paste the colors from that Kit :D

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