Ian Wotton - 18 yo, BT Rating=18,570
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, strong bowling form, invigorated
A steady player with abysmal leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: competent
Batting: strong Concentration: respectable
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: competent
Fielding: feeble
What a playerPradnesh Ahmed - 19 yo, BT Rating=72,670
RH Batsman, LM Bowler, superb batting form, strong bowling form, fresh
An attacking player with abysmal leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: woeful
Batting: worthless Concentration: competent
Bowling: wonderful Consistency: wonderful
Fielding: remarkable
3. Matthew Willetts - 19 yo, BT Rating=9,265
LH Batsman, LH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, woeful bowling form, fair
A steady player with superb leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: superb Concentration: feeble
Bowling: worthless Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: feeble
6. Si Barlow - 18 yo, BT Rating=13,006
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, feeble batting form, superb bowling form, energetic
A defensive player with strong leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: superb
Batting: competent Concentration: competent
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: competent
92. Jonathon Garry - 21 yo, BT Rating=13,082
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler, strong batting form, respectable bowling form, fair
A defensive player with strong leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: quality Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: abysmal
Doug Cameron - 18 yo, BT Rating=6,007
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, abysmal batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A cautious player with proficient leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: woeful
Bowling: proficient Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: feeble
Not bad, Need to get his batting up still.Ben Cockerill - 20 yo, BT Rating=23,927
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, strong batting form, respectable bowling form, lively
A destructive player with mediocre leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: wonderful
Batting: mediocre Concentration: competent
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: competent
Fielding: woeful
Rob Hall - 18 yo, BT Rating=9,932
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, proficient batting form, feeble bowling form, energetic
A destructive player with strong leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: strong Concentration: competent
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: woeful
21. Dwight Hougaard - 17 yo, BT Rating=5,255
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, worthless batting form, strong bowling form, drained
An attacking player with competent leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: worthless Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: strong Consistency: woeful
Fielding: abysmal
Fitz Bradshaw - 19 yo, BT Rating=13,166
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, proficient batting form, strong bowling form, energetic
A destructive player with competent leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: strong Concentration: proficient
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: abysmal
Pete Marsden - 19 yo, BT Rating=51,703
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, worthless bowling form, invigorated
An attacking player with abysmal leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: feeble
Batting: exceptional Concentration: remarkable
Bowling: worthless Consistency: competent
Fielding: strong
Yikes, Marsden missed out on the U19's with those stats shows how strong the England setup is!2 batting pops makes my lineup look just a little better. Though, as my win over The Falcons proved, I don't think my team can merely be seen as just the whipping boys any more
2 batting pops makes my lineup look just a little better. Though, as my win over The Falcons proved, I don't think my team can merely be seen as just the whipping boys any more
Yikes, Marsden missed out on the U19's with those stats shows how strong the England setup is!
Still no match for Ahmed though![]()
Mark Ludlam - 19 yo, BT Rating=64,802
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, proficient batting form, respectable bowling form, energetic
A destructive player with strong leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: superb Wicket Keeping: woeful
Batting: superb Concentration: respectable
Bowling: wonderful Consistency: remarkable
Fielding: superb
Xavier Eli (1063692)
LH Batsman, LH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, strong bowling form, energetic
A destructive player with superb leadership skills and woeful experience.
Part of the West Indies U19 squad
Plays For: The Palab Tigers
Nationality: West Indies
Age: 19 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 37,128
Wages: £11,746 p/w
10. Jim Murphy (1062509)
RH Batsman, LH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, lively
A defensive player with competent leadership skills and woeful experience.
Part of the England U19 squad
Plays For: 2nd Chance
Nationality: England
Age: 19 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 64,723
Wages: £12,543 p/w