FTP: Training

Now I'm going to update my weekly training.


Hedger's Team >> Mo Bol >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 26,041 rating | $1,141 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Opener
Nationality Netherlands
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler average
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting poor Endurance ordinary
Bowling capable Technique ordinary
Keeping poor Power average
Fielding ordinary

Great pop for my keeper only one week in.

Hedger's Team >> Lars van der Hoeven >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 19,402 rating | $710 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Spin Specialist
Nationality Netherlands
Form reasonable
Fatigue revived
Experience poor
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler dreadful
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder poor
Batting ordinary Endurance dreadful
Bowling dreadful Technique poor
Keeping reasonable Power ordinary
Fielding dreadful

Hedger's Team >> Rogier Van Heeswijk >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 22,000 rating | $1,304 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Skilled (Keeping)
Nationality Netherlands
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience atrocious
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman dreadful
Bowler ordinary
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting dreadful Endurance poor
Bowling capable Technique reasonable
Keeping poor Power dreadful
Fielding poor


Cool, endurance pop for O'Leary. Training him on Strength at the moment so hopefully a Power pop soon.

Hedger's Team >> Aidan O'Leary >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 41,586 rating | $9,273 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Spin Specialist, Prodigy
Nationality Ireland
Form reasonable
Fatigue energetic
Experience capable
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler poor
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder ordinary
Batting spectacular Endurance capable
Bowling dreadful Technique spectacular
Keeping poor Power average
Fielding reasonable

Hedger's Team >> Ernest Kentwell >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 34,175 rating | $6,525 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium

Talents Sturdy
Nationality Australia
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler accomplished
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder average
Batting poor Endurance average
Bowling outstanding Technique expert
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding ordinary

Hedger's Team >> Andrew Whiteman >> Details
Player Info
20 years old | 30,634 rating | $2,867 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin

Talents Skilled (Bowling)
Nationality South Africa
Form reasonable
Fatigue energetic
Experience ordinary
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler reliable
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder reasonable
Batting ordinary Endurance average
Bowling accomplished Technique reliable
Keeping atrocious Power average
Fielding poor
Only 3 pops for my youth this week:

Matt Allen (batsman) Technique to average
Brendon Cleary (keeper) Keeping to reasonable
Clem Powell (batsman) Endurance to dreadful

Also 3 pops for my senior squad:

Patrick Garrick (rm bowler) Endurance to reasonable
Sidney Kettles (rfm bowler) Endurance to average
Christof van Zandt (rfm bowler) Power to reasonable
Pop ups this week:


Barry Brady >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 14,408 rating | $584 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Sturdy
Nationality Ireland
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience atrocious
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler dreadful
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder dreadful
Batting average Endurance atrocious
Bowling dreadful Technique dreadful
Keeping dreadful Power dreadful
Fielding dreadful

Lachlan Hansberry >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 21,856 rating | $1,193 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents New Ball Bowler
Nationality Australia
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler ordinary
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder ordinary
Batting reasonable Endurance poor
Bowling reasonable Technique poor
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding poor

Abhilasin Lata >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 18,400 rating | $616 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium

Talents Swing
Nationality India
Form average
Fatigue revived
Experience dreadful
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting poor Endurance ordinary
Bowling ordinary Technique average
Keeping poor Power dreadful
Fielding atrocious

Barhana Sivakumar >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 17,097 rating | $693 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Slower Ball
Nationality India
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting ordinary Endurance dreadful
Bowling dreadful Technique poor
Keeping average Power poor
Fielding dreadful

Asamanjasa Sorabhjee >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 19,842 rating | $726 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast

Talents Gifted (Power)
Nationality India
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler ordinary
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting poor Endurance poor
Bowling ordinary Technique ordinary
Keeping poor Power average
Fielding atrocious

Bukka Suranjan >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 24,169 rating | $869 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Skilled (Keeping)
Nationality India
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder ordinary
Batting average Endurance reasonable
Bowling ordinary Technique poor
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary


Raoul Buijs >> Details
Player Info
22 years old | 36,876 rating | $3,693 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium

Talents Skilled (Technique)
Nationality Netherlands
Form capable
Fatigue energetic
Experience ordinary
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman accomplished
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting accomplished Endurance reasonable
Bowling dreadful Technique accomplished
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding reasonable

Kiran Shreeyash >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 25,735 rating | $3,185 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Arm Ball
Nationality India
Form average
Fatigue revived
Experience poor
Captaincy dreadful
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler capable
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting dreadful Endurance average
Bowling accomplished Technique reliable
Keeping dreadful Power dreadful
Fielding poor
hmm, why are you training Sivakumar's bowling, big waste if you ask me.

And you shouldn't be worrying about Sorabhjee's power as it would already be ordinary which is good enough for youth so I'd be focusing on bowling but he's 17 so I don't think he's really worth keeping anyway.
hmm, why are you training Sivakumar's bowling, big waste if you ask me.

He's on allrounder training.

And you shouldn't be worrying about Sorabhjee's power as it would already be ordinary which is good enough for youth so I'd be focusing on bowling but he's 17 so I don't think he's really worth keeping anyway.

Was waiting for it to pop up and I've changed it to bowling already.
Only worth training batting, I mean why bother with all-rounder when bowling is atrocious. Batting technique or fire if you don't have any better.
A few pops today.

Daniyal Mohammad - experience popped to poor
Joseph Murch - power popped to ordinary
Graham Phillips - technique popped to expert
Blitzkreig Boyz >> Ralph Elijzen >> Details
Player Info

22 years old | 30,894 rating | $3,574 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Natural Leader
Nationality Netherlands Netherlands
Form capable
Fatigue passable
Experience ordinary
Captaincy accomplished
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler accomplished
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting atrocious Endurance ordinary
Bowling expert Technique reliable
Keeping dreadful Power reasonable
Fielding poor

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Kamaraja Keshava >> Details
Player Info

21 years old | 34,916 rating | $1,882 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Sturdy
Nationality India India
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler reasonable
Keeper average
Allrounder average
Batting ordinary Endurance reasonable
Bowling reliable Technique reasonable
Keeping average Power ordinary
Fielding reasonable

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Richard Guttormsen >> Details
Player Info

20 years old | 30,649 rating | $1,854 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Boundary Hitter
Nationality New Zealand New Zealand
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy dreadful
Skills Summary
Batsman reasonable
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting capable Endurance reasonable
Bowling dreadful Technique accomplished
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding poor

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Cyril Allen >> Details
Player Info

22 years old | 30,960 rating | $1,686 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Gifted (Endurance)
Nationality South Africa South Africa
Form ordinary
Fatigue energetic
Experience ordinary
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman reasonable
Bowler atrocious
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder dreadful
Batting capable Endurance reliable
Bowling atrocious Technique reasonable
Keeping dreadful Power reasonable
Fielding ordinary

plenty of important pops today.
Joppe Bos - endurance to reasonable.
Mark Sangster - endurance to reasonable
Shripati Sathnarayana - endurance to capable.
Only 3 pops this week for seniors:

Quinn Campbell (keeper-batsman) Power to average
Arnell Colgan (batsman) Technique to expert
Niels van Dalen (rf bowler) Experience to ordinary
I had a few experience pops. Not too much other interesting things. Some of the pops include:

Chewie CC >> Albert van Huffesteijn >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 18,678 rating | $835 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Keeping)
Nationality Netherlands
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler average
Keeper atrocious
Allrounder ordinary
Batting dreadful Endurance dreadful
Bowling reasonable Technique average
Keeping atrocious Power ordinary
Fielding poor

Chewie CC >> Gordon O'Brien >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 48,191 rating | $6,923 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Finisher
Nationality Australia
Form capable
Fatigue revived
Experience capable
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler ordinary
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting outstanding Endurance expert
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power reliable
Fielding capable
Chewie CC >> Boudewijn Van Buuren >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 42,110 rating | $7,608 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Technique)
Nationality Netherlands
Form reasonable
Fatigue revived
Experience ordinary
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman expert
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting outstanding Endurance reliable
Bowling dreadful Technique outstanding
Keeping atrocious Power capable
Fielding capable
4 pops for my youth squad:

Stan Buttsworth (rfm bowler) Technique to ordinary
Rik Juffermans (not really sure why he's still here) Endurance to ordinary
Clem Powell (batsman) Technique to average
Michael Rush (rm bowler) Bowling to average

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