FTP: Training

5 pops for my youths.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Aravinda Berty >> Details
Player Info
19 years old | 28,092 rating | $1,873 wage
Left hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin
Talents Prodigy
Nationality Sri Lanka
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting accomplished Endurance ordinary
Bowling atrocious Technique accomplished
Keeping dreadful Power dreadful
Fielding average

Just about the right time to pop, given its the EOS and he's getting promoted to the senior side. :D Onto endurance now.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Harry Docker >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 18,644 rating | $758 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Prodigy
Nationality England
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler ordinary
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting poor Endurance poor
Bowling average Technique poor
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding poor

Was wishing for a technique pop by the EOS, but oh well. Will be firing him once I buy a decent backup bowler.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Trevor Sawu >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 19,218 rating | $640 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Gifted (Batting)
Nationality South Africa
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy expert
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting average Endurance dreadful
Bowling dreadful Technique ordinary
Keeping poor Power poor
Fielding ordinary

No comments.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Christof Veelers >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 16,150 rating | $696 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Batting)
Nationality Netherlands
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy expert
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler ordinary
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder poor
Batting poor Endurance dreadful
Bowling average Technique poor
Keeping dreadful Power dreadful
Fielding poor

Bowling technique for the entire next season at the least.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Wachiru Wambugu >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 23,653 rating | $803 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Slower Ball
Nationality Kenya
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience atrocious
Captaincy atrocious
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler poor
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting reasonable Endurance ordinary
Bowling poor Technique capable
Keeping poor Power atrocious
Fielding average

This guy's a freak! Onto Batting now.
I'd be totally looking at Cleary's batting now. His keeping is high enough for youth anyway. Anyway, 5 pops for me, most technique.

Closing that tech gap.

Hedger's Team >> Cameron Peters >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 27,903 rating | $1,232 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium

Talents Yorker
Nationality West Indies
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler ordinary
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder ordinary
Batting reasonable Endurance ordinary
Bowling ordinary Technique average
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding average

Awesome pop right at the end of the season.

Hedger's Team >> David O'Keeffe >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 21,501 rating | $660 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Prodigy
Nationality Zimbabwe
Form accomplished
Fatigue rested
Experience dreadful
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler poor
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder ordinary
Batting reasonable Endurance ordinary
Bowling poor Technique average
Keeping atrocious Power dreadful
Fielding ordinary

Good tech pop while on keeper-batting.

Hedger's Team >> Lars van der Hoeven >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 26,096 rating | $920 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin

Talents Spin Specialist
Nationality Netherlands
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman reasonable
Bowler poor
Keeper average
Allrounder poor
Batting reasonable Endurance poor
Bowling dreadful Technique reasonable
Keeping reasonable Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary


Hedger's Team >> Michael Young >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 27,707 rating | $1,440 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Gifted (Batting)
Nationality Scotland
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy accomplished
Skills Summary
Batsman capable
Bowler atrocious
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder dreadful
Batting reliable Endurance ordinary
Bowling atrocious Technique reliable
Keeping poor Power poor
Fielding average

And the best pop of them all.

Hedger's Team >> Aladdin Yousif >> Details
Player Info
18 years old | 35,967 rating | $2,129 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Prodigy
Nationality UAE
Form capable
Fatigue revived
Experience average
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman capable
Bowler capable
Keeper poor
Allrounder capable
Batting capable Endurance reasonable
Bowling reliable Technique reliable
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding average
4 pops for my seniors:

Iridium XI >> Taj Alam >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 46,399 rating | $8,325 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium
Talents Opener
Nationality Pakistan
Form capable
Fatigue revived
Experience reliable
Captaincy dreadful
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler ordinary
Keeper average
Allrounder average
Batting outstanding Endurance accomplished
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping ordinary Power reliable
Fielding average

Popped endurance whilst on fielding.

Iridium XI >> Jesse Elloit >> Details
Player Info
26 years old | 48,047 rating | $7,380 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium
Talents Yorker
Nationality Canada
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience accomplished
Captaincy expert
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler outstanding
Keeper poor
Allrounder reasonable
Batting poor Endurance outstanding
Bowling outstanding Technique outstanding
Keeping dreadful Power capable
Fielding reliable

Another endurance pop while on fielding.

Iridium XI >> Alester Khozo >> Details
Player Info
24 years old | 47,371 rating | $7,756 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Swing
Nationality Zimbabwe
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience capable
Captaincy expert
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler ordinary
Keeper poor
Allrounder average
Batting spectacular Endurance accomplished
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping dreadful Power reliable
Fielding capable

Yet another endurance pop, this time on batting technique

Jaco Frylinck (rws bowler) Experience to reliable
One more fielding then onto bowling

Chewie CC >> Nasir Ameen >> Details
Player Info
22 years old | 44,748 rating | $3,360 wage
Left hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Skilled (Keeping)
Nationality UAE
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman capable
Bowler reliable
Keeper poor
Allrounder capable
Batting reliable Endurance accomplished
Bowling reliable Technique reliable
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding capable

He's on fitness training. When he pops endo I'll put him on fielding for a couple of pops then bowling

Chewie CC >> Sidney Curtin >> Details
Player Info
22 years old | 36,716 rating | $3,833 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Wrist spin
Talents Gifted (Fielding), Skilled (Power)
Nationality New Zealand
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler capable
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder capable
Batting accomplished Endurance reasonable
Bowling reliable Technique accomplished
Keeping atrocious Power ordinary
Fielding average

This guy's gonna be on the trade market now so if anyone wants him

Chewie CC >> Chis De Burgh >> Details
Player Info
27 years old | 49,991 rating | $12,598 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Boundary Hitter
Nationality Bermuda
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience reasonable
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman spectacular
Bowler ordinary
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting exceptional Endurance accomplished
Bowling poor Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power capable
Fielding reliable

hmmmm I guess this guy goes back onto bowling training.

Chewie CC >> Bruce Ramasundara >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 49,100 rating | $10,424 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Skilled (Power)
Nationality Australia
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience capable
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler spectacular
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting dreadful Endurance accomplished
Bowling spectacular Technique spectacular
Keeping poor Power reliable
Fielding reliable
He's my backup batsman and he popped batting.
A good pop.
>> Charlie Driver >> Details
Player Info

22 years old | 34,381 rating | $3,862 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Prodigy
Nationality Australia Australia
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman accomplished
Bowler dreadful
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder dreadful
Batting expert Endurance reasonable
Bowling atrocious Technique expert
Keeping atrocious Power average
Fielding reasonable

Back on batting training.

Bernard Quatermass >> Details
Player Info

23 years old | 42,769 rating | $5,624 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Spin Specialist
Nationality USA USA
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience reasonable
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman outstanding
Bowler dreadful
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder dreadful
Batting outstanding Endurance accomplished
Bowling atrocious Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding capable
Well 3 good pops today.

Good tech pop while on fielding.

Hedger's Team >> Murray Oldroyd >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 39,655 rating | $3,381 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium

Talents Finisher
Nationality Australia
Form reasonable
Fatigue revived
Experience reliable
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler poor
Keeper reliable
Allrounder poor
Batting reliable Endurance capable
Bowling dreadful Technique accomplished
Keeping accomplished Power average
Fielding ordinary

Good pop, getting him on strength for a pop now.

Hedger's Team >> Joseph Murch >> Details
Player Info
21 years old | 34,040 rating | $3,768 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Yorker
Nationality Zimbabwe
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler dreadful
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder dreadful
Batting expert Endurance reasonable
Bowling dreadful Technique expert
Keeping atrocious Power ordinary
Fielding reasonable

And the best pop :D Back onto batting now

Hedger's Team >> Aidan O'Leary >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 46,982 rating | $10,122 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium

Talents Spin Specialist, Prodigy
Nationality Ireland
Form capable
Fatigue energetic
Experience accomplished
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman spectacular
Bowler poor
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder ordinary
Batting spectacular Endurance reliable
Bowling dreadful Technique spectacular
Keeping poor Power reliable
Fielding capable
Three pops, all on the secondaries.

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Ralph Elijzen >> Details
Player Info

23 years old | 35,110 rating | $4,247 wage

Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Natural Leader
Nationality Netherlands Netherlands
Form accomplished
Fatigue passable
Experience average
Captaincy accomplished
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler expert
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting atrocious Endurance reasonable
Bowling expert Technique accomplished
Keeping dreadful Power reasonable
Fielding ordinary

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Oliver Donaldson >> Details
Player Info

25 years old | 43,186 rating | $9,722 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Arm Ball, Gifted (Technique)
Nationality Scotland Scotland
Form reliable
Fatigue revived
Experience reasonable
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler spectacular
Keeper poor
Allrounder reasonable
Batting poor Endurance accomplished
Bowling spectacular Technique spectacular
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary
Fielding reasonable

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Amir Kaleel >> Details
Player Info

24 years old | 42,571 rating | $4,664 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Swing
Nationality UAE UAE
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler accomplished
Keeper poor
Allrounder average
Batting poor Endurance expert
Bowling expert Technique expert
Keeping dreadful Power capable
Fielding reasonable
Agrid South Africa >> 20. Wasi Akrim >> Details
Player Info

23 years old | 47,532 rating | $8,649 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium
Talents Prodigy, Skilled (Technique)
Nationality Pakistan Pakistan
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman expert
Bowler expert
Keeper average
Allrounder expert
Batting expert Endurance capable
Bowling outstanding Technique outstanding
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding average

Agrid South Africa >> 41. Mark Rigg >> Details
Player Info

23 years old | 49,112 rating | $6,087 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Prodigy
Nationality South Africa South Africa
Form accomplished
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman expert
Bowler ordinary
Keeper expert
Allrounder average
Batting expert Endurance capable
Bowling ordinary Technique outstanding
Keeping outstanding Power ordinary
Fielding capable

Agrid South Africa >> 87. Cole Henderson >> Details
Player Info

21 years old | 42,054 rating | $7,064 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Endurance)
Nationality USA USA
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience capable
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler outstanding
Keeper reasonable
Allrounder average
fielding pop and hope for a tech pop, then bowling/bowling tech until excep/excep, then another f...
Batting dreadful Endurance reasonable
Bowling spectacular Technique outstanding
Keeping average Power ordinary
Fielding reasonable

5 pops for my seniors.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Aamer Hussain >> Details
Player Info
23 years old | 30,614 rating | $3,488 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Prodigy
Nationality Pakistan
Form expert
Fatigue revived
Experience dreadful
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler reliable
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder ordinary
Batting dreadful Endurance reasonable
Bowling expert Technique accomplished
Keeping atrocious Power poor
Fielding ordinary

Had been longing for this pop ever since I signed him. Onto fielding now.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Ade Samoei >> Details
Player Info
20 years old | 33,603 rating | $3,316 wage
Left hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Slower Ball
Nationality Kenya
Form capable
Fatigue passable
Experience average
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler dreadful
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder poor
Batting accomplished Endurance average
Bowling dreadful Technique accomplished
Keeping ordinary Power poor
Fielding reasonable

Samoei getting along very nicely. Over to fitness training now.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Antideva Tirumalai >> Details
Player Info
25 years old | 39,417 rating | $3,577 wage
Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Gifted (Bowling), Safe Hands
Nationality India
Form reliable
Fatigue energetic
Experience ordinary
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman average
Bowler accomplished
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder reasonable
Batting poor Endurance reliable
Bowling expert Technique accomplished
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding reasonable

Was desperately hoping for a technique pop, which is where he'll be continuing training.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Merijn van Amsterdam >> Details
Player Info
20 years old | 33,096 rating | $2,115 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Boundary Hitter
Nationality Netherlands
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler reliable
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder average
Batting poor Endurance average
Bowling reliable Technique reliable
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding average

Nice. Put him on bowling technique now.

Liverpool Lightnings >> Amlana Visvakarman >> Details
Player Info
21 years old | 36,785 rating | $2,933 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Wrist spin
Talents Gifted (Batting)
Nationality India
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler ordinary
Keeper poor
Allrounder average
Batting accomplished Endurance capable
Bowling ordinary Technique expert
Keeping dreadful Power average
Fielding average

Will come back to fielding once he pops batting since I have him on batting for a long time now.
I'm thinking I might leave him for one more pop on fielding before putting him onto batting.

Chewie CC >> Tim Lindeman >> Details
Player Info
19 years old | 30,668 rating | $2,858 wage
Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Fielding)
Nationality Netherlands
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience average
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman reliable
Bowler poor
Keeper poor
Allrounder poor
Batting reliable Endurance reasonable
Bowling dreadful Technique accomplished
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding average
Damn, only one pop today although it was a good one with Victor Omara popping experience to Average.
Great pops.

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Matthew Daly >> Details
Player Info

18 years old | 26,510 rating | $1,728 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents Gifted (Endurance)
Nationality Ireland Ireland
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy capable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler reasonable
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder poor
Batting atrocious Endurance ordinary
Bowling reliable Technique reasonable
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary

If he's accomplished/capable by the end of the season, I'd love it.

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Rory Dunne >> Details
Player Info

18 years old | 28,874 rating | $1,449 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium
Talents Opener
Nationality Ireland Ireland
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy reasonable
Skills Summary
Batsman reasonable
Bowler poor
Keeper ordinary
Allrounder ordinary
Batting capable Endurance reasonable
Bowling poor Technique reasonable
Keeping ordinary Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Mark Freedman >> Details
Player Info

18 years old | 26,029 rating | $1,459 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast
Talents Yorker
Nationality Australia Australia
Form reliable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy reliable
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler reasonable
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting dreadful Endurance ordinary
Bowling capable Technique reasonable
Keeping dreadful Power ordinary
Fielding average

Blitzkreig Boyz >> Silida Zanhar >> Details
Player Info

17 years old | 19,376 rating | $1,067 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Natural Leader
Nationality Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience atrocious
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman dreadful
Bowler ordinary
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder dreadful
Batting atrocious Endurance ordinary
Bowling capable Technique poor
Keeping poor Power ordinary
Fielding poor
Three power pops, including one on my new all-rounder
3 fielding pops (all to average :p), Mjinke popping in tech but worst of all, Phillips plopping in technique to reliable :(

Getting too old. Don't want to get rid of him though until he reaches 400 career OD wickets which could be at least 2 seasons away (31 wickets to go) otherwise I might just let him go once he reaches 200 career matches (21 matches away)

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