User Pictures Thread

Jags > Cesc. Fact. The only Premier League footballers with better hair than Jagielka are Ronaldo and LaSagna. Definitely considering a Sagna do next time I get a hair cut. I love the ironed down braid effect he's got going on :p
Sorry GG but looking at your avatar, your hairstyle looks more like a grade 3 schoolboy hairstyle than anything cool. You'll get there someday.

My hair is getting too long again, I hate it when it grows. Although some day I'm going to just grow it, and a full on beard, but not until I'm out of school.
My hair is getting too long again, I hate it when it grows. Although some day I'm going to just grow it, and a full on beard, but not until I'm out of school.

Both are growing currently for me. The hair for monetary reasons as I am tryiing to find a semi decent hair-dressers, but everything I have found is so expensive. I'm growing the beard, because otherwise I would have had to have got either a tatoo or a piercing (the things you sign when your drunk :rolleyes:)
Yes, those crazy students who walk around with legally binding contracts really should be shot.



!x!Culli!x! added 3 Minutes and 21 Seconds later...

Drunk times ftw.
I could swear i've seen that fella in the grey coat around town in Liverpool before.

Anyway Tom I demand a link to that post in you're sig so I can laugh at fuknaff personally.

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