Seeing as most players are done, courtesy of folks like wasteyouryouth, I'm opening up to requests for players but there are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Check the academy.
If a player is already done, don't request, unless its an old one and could do with a facelift then I may consider (post a quick screenshot here and I'll have a look.) If its a player that hasn't been done I'll look into it, with no guarantees. For example Indian and Pakistan domestic players - there tend to be no source photos that can be usable. My experience is that photos need to be at the very least 800 x 800, even lighting, and the player looking at the camera and be from the waist or chest up, in terms of framing. So keep that in mind. Having said that, don't post source photos in the thread, I'll be able to find em' if they're out there.

I am not, repeat, NOT, doing your own face

. I am working on a tutorial at the moment that covers that, if After Effects stops borking itself lol. So please keep that in mind. (ETA on that tutorial is up in the air, due to work, technical difficulties, but I'm determined to get it out there.)
Further, if you still post a request for your own face, I WILL BLOCK YOU. I've been down this road before and experience has taught me to be firm but fair. You have been warned.
PS: This applies for messages to my inbox. Don't even think about it.
3. Past players. I'm not really interested in doing in them to be honest as I play mainly career mode.
4. I am on and off again with doing playfaces in general, so it will either take a bit of time, or I'll just be straight up and just say I'm not feeling it atm and may come back to it at a later date. (Basically waiting for the next cricket game at this stage).
5. This is more a cultural thing, and a general consideration. In Australia, if you call someone champ, buddy, bro etc - you're essentially calling me a c**t. Mate or my username will suffice. Don't mean to be rude, but people calling me bro, despite the fair intentions, really ticks me off.