10 more pages of reading and I'm very confused. At the moment, I seem most suspicious of Themer. More of this "If I was cult", I find a lot of people do it to take suspicious of themselves even though they are that alignment.
Aditya werent you the one who was started getting aggressive towards me for not believing Bevab's claim?
Well why I are you not believing my claim, bevab claimed cop he could of been a cop and he came up mafia aligned so he might be the mafia cop
Lynch : Aditya
He needs to be put under some sort of pressure the game is getting in his control and it will be bad for the town if that happens
Eurgh due to the fact there are still those doubting me and I don't want to be lynched before I can defend myself as I'm about to go to work....
"Hero of Oakvale - Chricken Chaser - Protagonist
Oi! You! Yes I'm talking to you, can you not leave those chickens alone for a just a minute? How many times has Jack of Blades tried to kill you? Your continuous battles has trained your powers well. Harnessing strength, skill and will only comes to the chosen ones and with them you have three different abilities of which you can use only once namely; Roleblock, being so skillful you've seen all the tricks in the book but also how to block them. Protect, your immense strength allows you keep one person safe for the night. Will, you've hones your mental capaticies so well that you can for a short while see what others are doing and investigate them (well nearly, you've got the power of such will you can get Theresa to help but whats wrong with a bit of a sisterly helping hand?) You simply give me the names, I'll give you the location and you can do your business. Remember you can only use them once
@Zohaib - Bevab claimed as cop and for hours no one counter claimed. All was going fine for him until Chewie role claimed and told everyone that he is Link. In your case, I cannot believe you so easily. Bevab was mafia cop, maybe but I don't think he will still role claim as cop knowing that it's such a important role of the game. He role claimed as cop still maybe because he had support of some other member from the mafia team who is mafia cop and as they wanted to know who the town cop is, they made him the bunny. Now, you come forward and say that you're the town cop, fooling us again maybe or just taking the advantage of the fact that townies don't have a cop.
I've found Aditya to pretty aggressive in this game, and looking at previous games, whenever he was mafia, he was aggressive.
So just to add a bit of pressure, Unlynch:Barmyarmy
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