Waqar Younis vs Wasim Akram

Who was the better bowler?

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In ODIs, it is simple that Wasim was the better bowler. For his time, Waqar had far too high economy rate.

In Tests, I'd look to side with Waqar. Although Wasim had the more evident bag of tricks, Waqar had one of the all time best strike rates and in Test cricket, I think that strike rate is more significant to Wasim's superior economy rate.
These two are Awesome bowlers but my vote is for Wasim Akram
I am not touching this with a 10 foot pole. Two legends each geniuses in their own way. Its like saying would you rather bang a supermodel or let a supermodel bang you.

I have to say this analogy is great :D
What question is it afcaus wasim mate he is legend left arm bowler of all time waqar not even in top 10 of right arm fast bowlers to me.
Had the pleasure of watching both these players play live. Both awesome but Waqar is my all time favourite bowler of all time so had to be him, his inswinging yorkers were legendary!!

Wasim was good with the bat tho;)
What question is it afcaus wasim mate he is legend left arm bowler of all time waqar not even in top 10 of right arm fast bowlers to me.
You know Waqar has one of the best (i think its in top 5) strikes in test cricket. Its 45 deliveries for a wicket or something. Waqar is one of the most devastating bowlers to have played test cricket. But you are entitled to your opinion. You can ask Graham Hicks's or Dean jhones's about their Opinion on how good he really was?
And his bowling average was miles better than the bloke in your sig
My personal feeling is that Wasim is a bit better than Waqar.
Wasim was really good with his pace and consistency and that reflects in the stats too.
I dont say that Waqar is bad, but Wasim is better than Waqar.
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You know Waqar has one of the best (i think its in top 5) strikes in test cricket. Its 45 deliveries for a wicket or something. Waqar is one of the most devastating bowlers to have played test cricket. But you are entitled to your opinion. You can ask Graham Hicks's or Dean jhones's about their Opinion on how good he really was?
And his bowling average was miles better than the bloke in your sig

If you are talking about top five of all time in average regarding bowling i can rught now tell you bowlers with best economy.sir ian botham,imrankhan,wasimakram,michaelholding and dennis lilee.
Both great bowlers but Wasim gets my vote, he was just an absolute brilliant bowler.
If you are talking about top five of all time in average regarding bowling i can rught now tell you bowlers with best economy.sir ian botham,imrankhan,wasimakram,michaelholding and dennis lilee.
Well that leaves no room to argue with you sir. You are much more knowledgeable than I am :hpraise

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