We have Patch AI Review Teams....

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Stories won't just be reviewed on the pretty pictures, but also on the quality of the writing too. Especially if the story has no pictures.
People, such as Spin and Matt, why not just let this lay now? It doesnt affect you if we do it does it?

Anyways thanks to,

Matty West,

And others who have given thier support, anyone else who wants to join us please do.
I think its right as it is.
People poll in on which they think is the best story.
The readers view the story, the readers should choose the best.
Simbazz said:
People, such as Spin and Matt, why not just let this lay now? It doesnt affect you if we do it does it?

Anyways thanks to,

Matty West,

And others who have given thier support, anyone else who wants to join us please do.

So it is now a case of "Shut up unless you support me"?

It does affect everyone, seeing as it is a community issue.

There is no way, ever, that any reviewer could review 3 different stories and none of the stories look at all better, as you are trying to say. Some stories will come out better and some worse.

Surely instead of having a load of people doing reviewing, you could just read the stories. People have been completely fine just reading the stories to tell if they like them up until now. The AI Reviewing was because the differences between them were subtle and required testing and because of quality control. None of those occur with stories.

Bottom line from me, if you want to find out about a story, why not read it?
Maybe the AI patch review teams have to show the effectiveness of a review scheme before expanding the idea to stories.
The Spin said:
So it is now a case of "Shut up unless you support me"?

It does affect everyone, seeing as it is a community issue.

There is no way, ever, that any reviewer could review 3 different stories and none of the stories look at all better, as you are trying to say. Some stories will come out better and some worse.

Surely instead of having a load of people doing reviewing, you could just read the stories. People have been completely fine just reading the stories to tell if they like them up until now. The AI Reviewing was because the differences between them were subtle and required testing and because of quality control. None of those occur with stories.

Bottom line from me, if you want to find out about a story, why not read it?

That may be your opinion. But, we are hardly biased, and we won't sound biased. Every story is good in it's own way. We are going to try it out, and as it says further back in this thread, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.
what do u mean?

the fact that we will review every story on its own merits
The AI Reviewing was because the differences between them were subtle and required testing and because of quality control.

Correct.. Quality is definitely one of the main things in AI patch testing!

manee said:
Maybe the AI patch review teams have to show the effectiveness of a review scheme

in what way? :) We are trying our level best in testing.
OK guys. We get the message now as to who likes the idea and who doesn't. There is no real need to keep going over the same points again and again. If you've already posted a view here thankyou for your input.
Towards my post? That there have been a limited amount of AI review patches and even with the amount, people do not seem to scream to the hillsides how good they are so why create more, while we can perfect the preceedure of AI patch reviews first for others to follow.
There is no way, ever, that any reviewer could review 3 different stories and none of the stories look at all better, as you are trying to say. Some stories will come out better and some worse.

When have i ever said that reviewing a story will make it better? The point of a review, which most people understand, is to shorten somthing down and give an unbiased view.

Spin, i dont see why your pushing hard against it, im going to give it a go, its my time if it fails. I dont see why you keep posting, ive said now its going to be done and it will be. This thread has now gone from over the top critisms from some people, to childishness, so i suggest someone to lock this thread now so people like yourself dont get worked up.

If anyone wants to join the test review team, PM me !
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