What have you achieved today?

I passed my licence test today, so can finally drive on my own :happy. Quite nervous at points, and made a few mistakes, but it all worked out in the end.
Staying in the house in 43C day.

It's not that hard though. :p

Haha, I've recently gotten a call from a friend of mine in Bendigo. She's complaining about the heat.

Sucked in!
Staying in the house in 43C day.

It's not that hard though. :p

haha i'm with you mate, except i just worked, which was gay

Roofrom50 added 0 Minutes and 54 Seconds later...

Haha, I've recently gotten a call from a friend of mine in Bendigo. She's complaining about the heat.

Sucked in!

whose ya mate in Bendigo? I might know her?
Not exactly and achievement but it was eventful.

Out for my 18th last night, long story short I wake up about 6.am this morning locked inside a deserted nightclub with a quite nasty cut on the back of my head. Had to ring the police so I could get out, and then had to go to the hospital to get the cut stapled.

When you have to take a trip to A+E you know you have had an ace night.

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