What will be your first match in TAOC

Mona brothers

School Boy Cricketers
Apr 8, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hai mates,
It is very early to think about this. But i am very eager to play this TAOC.. I think all are very eager to play TAOC. My first match will be Westindies vs Australia in T&T.
Mine will be Australia VS Sri Lanka because i want to see Malingas action.
Quoting myself at Cricket Opinion:
me said:
I'll probably watch a CPU vs CPU, test match between New Zealand and Australia, and sit back and admire the commentary

After I have satisfied my ego, I'll then go and play against a minnow team to get used to the controls (like I have done with every other cricket game)
My first match will be Australia vs South africa/England :)
It depends when the game comes out. Assuming it comes out this summer, it'll be England vs. whoever they're playing at the time, so either West Indies or India.
England v Minnow
and then England v Australia
TAOC will be releasing by july i suppose

gamerkid22 said:
My first match will be England v Australia btw when is the game releasing ?
TAOC will be releasing by july i suppose
I am eagerly waiting for this release.. I like to start with a test match as Kiwis against Aussies in any NZ ground :)

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