What would you like to see in ICC 07?

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come on morgieb, your optomistic that icc 07 is going to be released on time. oh and your sig is wrong, Bob Woolmer (RIP) wasnt killed weve now been told
Just a small thing, it would be good to have player photos back again. I remember them being in ICC 2001 but not since.
i would firstly like childish to update their site !!

its propa unprofessional a games website has not been updated close to the release date
Just a small thing, it would be good to have player photos back again. I remember them being in ICC 2001 but not since.
Yeah, I agree. Makes the game more....Ahhh....Better? Nah lol it would be good, because I don't really know what the Zimbabwean and Bangladehi players look like. And I want to learn more about them Minnow teams.

Make Australia realistic they produce the best talent but never seem to get quality re gens

Yeah, I agree. Australia has the deepest most talented stocks in World Cricket, but England (in the game) always has the best Youth Players.

I only play ICC 05 so have no idea if these were implemented in 06 but i would like to see the following:

1. Make the player lists more user friendly. I want to be able to put them in any order I like, whether by average, strike rate, age or whatever. At the moment I'm stuck with alphabetical order or average. Also, I would love to see a (proper) filter or search function in there.

2. More control over International players\team. I should be able give orders to the groundsman as to what sort of wicket to produce. I want to be able to decide who gets a central contract and generally control more elements of the game.

3. The actual game engine itself needs updating. No matter what I do it still seems as though I'm just clicking a mouse button x amount of times. I want to be able to set traps so that I actually feel that by bowling to a plan it makes a difference.
They also need to sort out the pitches. Too often you get higher scores in th 2nd innings, extreme turning pitches that yield over a 1000 runs per test and good pitches that only yield 500. Lets see a true correlation between what is supposed to be happening and what is actually happening.

Another thing, let have properly paced innings. Most innings last for what, say, 120 overs? In this game I tend to find that I'm always taking 2 new balls. The opposition will lose 3 or 4 wickets up to around 150 overs then collapse all out in 152. The tail never seems to wag.

4. Re-gens - make them realistic. Will Sri Lanka really produce 10 plus spinners capable of returning career averages below 22 in the next 20 years? I doubt it. Will India suddenly find 20 plus batsmen all averaging over 60 in tests? Unlikely. Be realistic. Most teams will have 1-3 world class players (or at least with the potential to be world class) the rest will be just be good players. Lets see that bearing out instead of millions of mini superman clones. Also, lets have a bit more variety in the top rated team. I'm in 2024 and India have been 2nd with Sri Lanka 3rd for about 10 years now. A natural cycle with teams getting better\worse would add to the realism.

5. Sort out tours. If I'm in charge of the national side then let me take my county side to South Africa (or wherever) for pre-season. When I am in charge of the test team then let me specify how many pre-series games we play etc.

6. More detailed player stats. Look at any football manager game for the idea here. Doesn't have to be as complicated but a more detailed breakdown would be nice.

7. Youth development. Proper training programs would be a start along with the option to try to give players more strings to their bows, i.e turn a batsman into a keeper or vice versa.

Man, you have really taken some time and thought into what you want in a new ICC game. You should send this to the Game Makers, for ICC08! All them points are top notch and everyone would love for all of it to come true for ICC07!:)
yea i saw that screenie, you would think they would of realesed more that 1 screenie!
Is that it? Isn't there like an advertising campaign to help sell the game? I haven't seen any ads or anything? Or doesnt the ICC series get much publication?
there hasnt been anything which ive seen yet, but there will prob be some advertising when it comes out.
What improvements would u like to c being made to last years version?

I will make points here so u dont hav 2 read whole thread.

I will send this to the ICC official website after comments left.

change1 . 3rd umpire (me)
change2 . rain in ODI's (me)
change3 . fielders missing run outs. (me)
change4 . Data Editor (like on Football manager (evertonfan))
change5 . Better Graphics (me)
change6 . new skins (Phil)
change7 . More detailed match graphics (phil)
change8 . Perhaps International teams being able to play online (phil)
change9 . Being able to play Twenty20's online (phil)
change10. More involvement in training (phil)
change11. Updated Online play (rabblerouser)
change12. New player listings (rabblerouser)
change13. Transfer Updates (rabblerouser)
change14. Being able to replace injured players with international team.
change15. Being able to use different overseas players for different parts of the season like in real life (rabblerouser/me)
change16. New commentary (me)
change17. More realistic career mode/ sackings / changing teams (manutd1987)
change18. more realistic batting shots and movements (manutd1987)
change19. being able to play other domestic teams (booney)
change20. more advanced fixture listings (manutd1987)
any more suggestions?

I would be happy if even half of thes improvements could be done!
I am not sure if these have been mentioned but i would like to be able to sign kolpak players in the future, it seems that once the current set of kolpak players have retired then there arent any more. Also maybe introduce player loans if your county has a crippling injury list or lots of international players on duty.
- Ability to sign Kolpaks in the off-season. Maybe in the transfer page before the start of each season have a new layout. One section of english county players who are out of contract, one of Youth players from your club, one from Youth players from other club that you could sign, which doesnt happen currently. One of Overseas players available, and a section on players that could possibly be "persuaded" to denounce their nationality and play Kolpak for you, should the right offer come their way.

- More detailed contract negotions. I want to know if a player is happy at the club, whether he believes it should show more ambition. Performane related pay; Bonus if they score of 1,200 runs or 100 wickets.

- If your overseas player gets injured you can buy another one during the period that he's out then return home once your original OS player is back. Short-term overseas players, like in real-life.

- Proper county system lay-out. First-Team, Second-Team, Youth-Team. Ability to take control of all tose matches if you want. Chose the second team and Youth team line-ups. Send scouts around nearby clubs and find good young talents. It wouldn't be hard to compile. It would just take somebody to look at the top 2/3 leagues in every county and add them to send to your scouts too.

- Staff. Ability to hire and fire staff.

-Board Room control. Chairman tells your targets, he can fire you, or even get approached by another county/international team if your doing a good job.

- News. Rumours about players. Be able to praise or blast players in the public eye.

- Control your sponsorship, pick who sponsors you. Whether you want sponsorship from Adidas to Aldi, let you decide.

- PLayer photo's I think we all agree it'd just look better.

- PLayer stats - So you can evaluate a players possible talents etc fully rather than just go on average.

- Run Youth/Fitness systems.

- Ask players for possible new signings, can they reccomend anyone from previous clubs.

- Ability to send your players to play State Cricket over your season winter. To improve their game etc.

- More comprehensive Training sessions. Not just batting or bowling technique. Playing the short ball or bowling at the death etc session.

Non of these would be very hard, they're all very simple suggestions. I personally feel that it would addd a lot to the game if it were possible for them to add this. I certainly known of plenty of people who would prefer the games if it was more like this.
I'm not sure if these have already been mentioned, but a few things I would like to see changed are;

1) Being able to select your squad and keep them at the start of the series so after you finish one Test you can continue to give them Batting Practice/Technique and Physio. They would still become available for County games in between tests and at the usual Squad selection for each Test you can then again Select players if a particular player hasn't regained form or fitness. It really pi$$es me off when a player hasn't played in between tests and his Fitness is one bar

2) Having more stats to choose from - This series & Last 2 series. Nothing worse than when you are playing in your 5th or 6th series at the end of March and you can't get a quick look at his stats for that series.

3) Really like the Kolpak suggestion where you can temp players that haven't played for their Country in 4 years or players who have never played for their country

4) I also really like the ability to change your International player as already suggested, especially if your player is Injured or just doing horrendously bad

5) And my biggest gripe is the fact that you can not play as other Domestic Teams like the Aussie sides, surely it wouldn't be too hard to implement that!!
- Ability to sign Kolpaks in the off-season. Maybe in the transfer page before the start of each season have a new layout. One section of english county players who are out of contract, one of Youth players from your club, one from Youth players from other club that you could sign, which doesnt happen currently. One of Overseas players available, and a section on players that could possibly be "persuaded" to denounce their nationality and play Kolpak for you, should the right offer come their way.

- More detailed contract negotions. I want to know if a player is happy at the club, whether he believes it should show more ambition. Performane related pay; Bonus if they score of 1,200 runs or 100 wickets.

- If your overseas player gets injured you can buy another one during the period that he's out then return home once your original OS player is back. Short-term overseas players, like in real-life.

- Proper county system lay-out. First-Team, Second-Team, Youth-Team. Ability to take control of all tose matches if you want. Chose the second team and Youth team line-ups. Send scouts around nearby clubs and find good young talents. It wouldn't be hard to compile. It would just take somebody to look at the top 2/3 leagues in every county and add them to send to your scouts too.

- Staff. Ability to hire and fire staff.

-Board Room control. Chairman tells your targets, he can fire you, or even get approached by another county/international team if your doing a good job.

- News. Rumours about players. Be able to praise or blast players in the public eye.

- Control your sponsorship, pick who sponsors you. Whether you want sponsorship from Adidas to Aldi, let you decide.

- PLayer photo's I think we all agree it'd just look better.

- PLayer stats - So you can evaluate a players possible talents etc fully rather than just go on average.

- Run Youth/Fitness systems.

- Ask players for possible new signings, can they reccomend anyone from previous clubs.

- Ability to send your players to play State Cricket over your season winter. To improve their game etc.

- More comprehensive Training sessions. Not just batting or bowling technique. Playing the short ball or bowling at the death etc session.

Non of these would be very hard, they're all very simple suggestions. I personally feel that it would addd a lot to the game if it were possible for them to add this. I certainly known of plenty of people who would prefer the games if it was more like this.

i guess our grandchildren will get this kind of icc to play :D
- Ability to sign Kolpaks in the off-season. Maybe in the transfer page before the start of each season have a new layout. One section of english county players who are out of contract, one of Youth players from your club, one from Youth players from other club that you could sign, which doesnt happen currently. One of Overseas players available, and a section on players that could possibly be "persuaded" to denounce their nationality and play Kolpak for you, should the right offer come their way.

- More detailed contract negotions. I want to know if a player is happy at the club, whether he believes it should show more ambition. Performane related pay; Bonus if they score of 1,200 runs or 100 wickets.

- If your overseas player gets injured you can buy another one during the period that he's out then return home once your original OS player is back. Short-term overseas players, like in real-life.

- Proper county system lay-out. First-Team, Second-Team, Youth-Team. Ability to take control of all tose matches if you want. Chose the second team and Youth team line-ups. Send scouts around nearby clubs and find good young talents. It wouldn't be hard to compile. It would just take somebody to look at the top 2/3 leagues in every county and add them to send to your scouts too.

- Staff. Ability to hire and fire staff.

-Board Room control. Chairman tells your targets, he can fire you, or even get approached by another county/international team if your doing a good job.

- News. Rumours about players. Be able to praise or blast players in the public eye.

- Control your sponsorship, pick who sponsors you. Whether you want sponsorship from Adidas to Aldi, let you decide.

- PLayer photo's I think we all agree it'd just look better.

- PLayer stats - So you can evaluate a players possible talents etc fully rather than just go on average.

- Run Youth/Fitness systems.

- Ask players for possible new signings, can they reccomend anyone from previous clubs.

- Ability to send your players to play State Cricket over your season winter. To improve their game etc.

- More comprehensive Training sessions. Not just batting or bowling technique. Playing the short ball or bowling at the death etc session.

Non of these would be very hard, they're all very simple suggestions. I personally feel that it would addd a lot to the game if it were possible for them to add this. I certainly known of plenty of people who would prefer the games if it was more like this.

Most of them appear in Football Manager and to have in a cricket game would be awsome aswell, as of course FM is at the top of the ladder for it's genre and ICC would easily stay there too if they did implement some of your ideas.
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